Ever see a forumer im BGs?

I have been traveling. Playing BGs on mobile. I am new to this mode and only 4.6k. I have never seen a name I recognize. When I play duels I often recognize opponents.

Is duels different? I just haven’t played enough? I am just too crappy still at BGs still?

10/10 thread

I have seen.a few.

On average, less then 1% of the playerbase has posted on the forums , even once.

Source on this??

20 characters

I think I just sent you a friend request in game. I do BGs with other forum folks semi-regularly.

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someone did a breakdown of numbers a few years ago, basically thousands of people post on the forums, millions play the game.

So in factuality, 99% of all players could post in the forums?

Fast. What does a 3rd patient scout do???

You triple it, you get two minions when you sell. Very risky play unless you’ve hit some armor and the scouts are basically all in the same shop, or you have one, next turn your shop has two.

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I usually go for it but chickened out. Couldn’t chance it

As far as BGs go, i can almost never get first place. Not complaining nor whining, to be clear. Just seems there is a huge jump. Like, I can almost always get top 4. Often get top 2 or 3 but 1 is usually 100’s of health points ahead of me.

Only 1 explanation. Rigged.


Point of order:

You get credit for your highest level scout upon triple.

If you have one that’s at tier five and there are two more in shop, you would get your triple reward on that turn and discover two tier six minions the next.

If you’re in a good space or behind and ready to throw up a Hail Mary, it’s often advantageous.


I would have definitely benefited then. Darn. I had the old timer burning and had to make a call.

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I know how that goes.

Next time you’re ready, though!


Ive seen multiple people on the forum in standard, tbh I just dont check the names in BGs to notice if Im playing anyone from here, but with other modes the name is more front and center and noticable.

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Understood. To be clear, it’s not a leading question. I see the regulars in duels. Just curious if that is the same in BGs

Fixed for you, play badly for a while, even a couple of hundred points will lead to second when you would have got 4th.

I will generally see the same names multiple times a day, in various lobbies, if I am playing regularly.
The higher you get the more you will see the same names it seems. Haven’t really been playing too much lately. Hit my goal for the season, fell back, that’s where I’m at… so I’m not recognizing people now but last season I did.

My wife is grinding to try to best my highest score right now and she may very well do it. She rarely gets lower than 4th and she sees the same people for lobbies in a row

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I have all but stopped. It’s very stale right now.

The minion pool just sucks.

The gap between the best and worst minions makes the game highroll or pray for fourth and it’s just not fun to me.

You have to get key minions on curve or you’re just over.

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I’m not going to lie. I never look at player names in the BG lobby. I know, i am a terrible person. :frowning:

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You should be voted off the island imo

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Jokes on you. I own the Island. :slight_smile:

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An island of hearth stoners… imagine that. Lol!

What would it look like, do you suppose?