Event Quest rewards - short changed?

With the current event started I received two quests

-Play or destroy 75 pirates in ranked Hearthstone Reward: 400


-Play 10 (or was it 20) even cost cards Reward: ??

I thought it was 100, but just completed it and shows I have earned 92 Event Quest XP

Can anyone confirm that this second quest is only worth 92 XP, or is it listed as 100 XP and I’ve been short changed? Have a screen now of the 400 one and will be able to see upon completion of that one.

2nd quest is worth 75 xp

Ty. I though 92 was kind of odd. Working it back, if it was some sort of bonus, it’s 18.52% more, which is also a weird number.

It is not bonus. You get XP´s also for playing. I suppose how much you get depends on time playing and if you win or lose. In your case you got 75 XP for quest and rest (17 XP) for playing. Though 17 seems to me little bit too much - are you sure it was 92 and not 82?

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yes across 3 games, 2 wins 1 loss

Ah, thats make more sense :). You get small amount for each (ranked?, I am not sure about BG) played game - it is usually in the range of 5 to 10 XP per match.

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It seems this event is giving a lot less xp for just playing like one lengthy match only grants liken 7xp when it used to be a lot more

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I think this one goes for several weeks where previous events were only one week, so they adjusted the amount of xp for regular playing. I was also noticed it was going much more slowly than before. I suspect they are trying to get better engagement numbers over a longer period, likely similar to what they were trying to do with regular quests earlier this year

Which ever it is, I’m happy I wasn’t short changed!

Just for reference for others. Current tally and results (same deck across all games for both quests and final rewards (in order). Surprising since it was just a deck thrown together to get the play/destroy 75 pirates).

–92 EXP


both quests complete

Final Total: 592 EXP vs the advertised (75+400)

EDIT: Nice next quest is play 15 of any of Marin Managers fantastic treasures, and he’s in this deck!

Post Patch # 1

Well, the event quests work with no restart. The free pack from the store still needs a restart to magically appear. Not sure about the arena card pack rewards. Will see shortly about the regular quests, but since the one for shop doesn’t function as intended, I’d suspect that it’s still broken also. Testing Tavern Brawl card pack reward now

Event Quests: working
Brawl Rewards: working

Normal Quests: not working
Store Free Pack: not working

Arena Rewards: not tested


Season Rewards: working

edit 2 (Sept 2nd 2024)

Rewards Track: not working