Event quest again?

Why do they do these stupid event quests where you have to pull off something like Marin? I’m trying to do it with Astral Communion Druid and either I get Astral Communion off and get Marin ready but they concede beforehand, or I don’t get Astral Communion off and I simply lose long before Marin could ever be played. I’d have it done already many times but people keep conceding! I’m at a loss for why they think these sort of event quests are a good idea?

At least they used the free legendary that they gave to everyone this time. I managed to get it in standard playing an odd warrior list


That’s true. I commend them for being slightly less stupid. But why not go all the way past stupid to being smart?

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It is probably smart on their part even if feels stupid to the player. They probably want the quest to be a little hard to complete so that players have to play more games

I have already played more games and not completed it because people concede beforehand…whatever their thought process was, they didn’t think it through enough.

You can easily do these kind of quest if you play against a friend if you have problems completing it.

Just tell your friend to wait until you play Marin and one of the treasures and you are done.


What is this word mean?

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Is ok dude,stop cry for one game…you can play warrior hl and you will have a chance to play the big card :spades::diamonds:

What does this mean?

Why would I ever do that?

I already have that chance, when my opponent only has 3 mana crystals…but then they concede, this is the problem. I just want to play the stupid card and I can, but the opponents won’t let me

I play the tendril hl warrior deck from standard sometimes in wild since the deck was nerfed out of existence in standard

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I put Marin in a Wild Rogue deck that draws a lot of cards, they won’t concede early then. Won with double Zarog’s Crown too (Shadow of Demise)

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  • Plays meme deck
  • Finds it takes more games than average to finish something with meme deck

Meme deck?

Is it taking more than average? :thinking:

You are free to ignore the event as you don’t like any advice and it seems like the only thing you want to hear is “you’re right, let’s boycott everything here” :smile::smile:

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That’s not how I am at all, I’m sorry you think that

I don’t want to ignore the event, I just want to complete it and to do that people have to not concede when I’m able to complete it. Simple solution is to not make it this way to begin with…

Why is it necessary to complete that other thing first? If you wish to complete the quest just play marin asap. win or lose once you do and use a treasure you picked, you can move on with life.