Even Shaman Bots in Wild

I play wild almost every day and I haven’t gone a day in almost 2 years without running into an even shaman bot on ladder / legend. Please address the massive bot issue in wild, it’s making the format nearly unplayable.

Also, if you’re not going to take any of the “Report Player” reports seriously then just remove the feature from the game. I’ve reported hundreds of even shaman bots and not one of them have been banned. I’m starting to believe Blizzard put the “report player” feature in as a placebo to think we’re actually making a difference when in reality the reports are ignored entirely.


Someone tested it using some tech tools a while back and posted as much.

Naturally, they’ll keep crowing about “muh bot ban waves” while the game is still infested with them, and their own bots.

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Yeah wild is basically unplayable. The format is absolutely infested with bots, and posting about a ban wave is just insulting. If they actually banned that many bots, and it’s not even noticeable then that’s pretty damn sad.

At this point I wish they’d make players do a captcha before the match.