Ethereal Oracle needs to go

I was going to do a long write up on this card. But, honestly, if you need to be convinced then you just do not care about the health of the game.

It needs to be nerfed. It never should have been printed. It is in contention for the best card ever printed.


Agree… I bet they will nerf this card to the ground in the next patch… it is just another bad designed card… it is just too OP…

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It provides too much consistency.

So its not even just that its too strong; it also leads to every game feeling the same when oracle draws you the thing you want every time

that depends on your deckbuilding

you cant handpick which spells youll draw

Im thinking they gonna change it to draws two cards

Well most decks that use it are using it to target specific draws( holy spells for pali, asteroids for shaman) or play it so many times(rogue) they draw all of the spells xD.


The dumb thing has the same source of all dumb things Blizzard devs do, they want to create a “signature of the expansion” and in this case they had in mind Asteroids raining down on you (and the oracle accommodates that oppressively). They had done the same with Reno being oppressively OP but supposedly it was a “signature of the expansion” because “it was so funny it had a Western movie feel right guys?”.

That behavior of theirs will never stop being dumb. Deep down it’s a systemic excuse for their incompetence to do balancing.

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True but shamans dont really care if oracle draws eruptions or asteroids :upside_down_face:


Even Zarimi priest using oracle.

And it’s not even rare or epic card

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can you name how many other option for card draw priest has?

Uh how about the best draw engine card in the game?

They are also playing this in the same deck to get it early.

A couple variants are playing that combo and the Oracle. But they appear to be much lower curves and are trying to be much more aggressive.

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The one that draws lowest and highest cost dragon, I mean it’s irrelevant to the context, I just wanna state out that oracle is just really that good, with Zarimi you could play oracle and spell to tutor orbital halo and probably you might get lethal with 2 halos being played in the same turn. The other day I did this exact play at 5 mana playing oracle funnel cake coin into 2 halos, I didn’t play Zarimi that much so my build still has funnel cake.

On paper Oracle is more than 3 mana (since you have to also cast a spell) to tutor 2 spells

But the thing is that there’s usually value in casting a spell itself, and oracle even gives you +1 spell damage to boot. Even the body counts for something as many other draw/tutor spells don’t (e.g druid has a brochure spell, it’s 4 mana and leaves no body and it flips each turn so you can’t always use the one you want)

So even if on paper you’re paying more, you are getting (a lot) more.

I’m not sure what they can do to nerf it without killing the card though. A “rework” (where they nerf some aspects but buff others, or make it do something entirely different) might be worse since it’s unknown if it’ll end up created newer more deadlier combos (e.g like what if it costs 6 or more, but it gives you +2 spell damage? Instead of asteroid shamans you might be looking at warriors/druids setting up greedy turns)

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drop it to draw spell 1 seems the clear choice to me. If drake was great why allow better drake.


Just chance to draw 2 cards really.

The thing with it is that It draw it’s own follow up as it is so you even need to set anything when using the spell damage because the card Will target spells in the deck for you.

Other than that i didn’t think people really want to see the metagame without etheral Oracle as much as they think they do.

If anything more cards should rise to it’s powerlevel.

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draw two cards is still too good. Remove spell damage

that or put draw to 1 anything else kills the card i feel.

Makes sense, and if that’s true, I wouldn’t call it “incompetent design”, I’d call it very creative design.

Unfortunately, people still haven’t figured out that they’re happier when things are UNbalanced, rather than balanced, which is why they seem incompetent (well, that, and a few other quirks, like bad card texts, inconsistent card effects and, my favorite, disastreous card art).

But the thing is, neither me nor the majority of people whose posts I’m forced to read here like the game when it’s perfectly balanced. What we actually want is to have a broken deck for everyone’s taste, and when that happens, we get a meta which is quite polarized and diverse, like the one we had 3-6 months ago.

Since then, all I see is winrates ~50% and all I see is complaints

Some of the decks its in are sort of annoying… but theres so many tutor spells in the game today a neutral tutor really doesnt seem out of place anymore.

Of all the things in hearthstone… this one really ranks pretty low. I think what you really want to do is target incindious and lynessa and rogue of course because rogue should always be targeted for some reason or another.

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