Enjoyable games against Mage today

Had so much fun playing against 0 mana 4 water elementals with rush today, it was so exciting!!! Things got that bad I had to join the ranks and play the deck myself. Whoever designed that new Mage tourist needs to be sacked.


The deck is garbage. I tried it, and I never drew either portalmancer, or tsunami cards in time. Most of the time I drew neither, actually.

Deck is showing about 54% winrate in legend, how many games is your sample size. HSguru shows it is 35% playrate(18025games)

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I suspected that Rogue Tourist will break the game again with Mage… but didn’t know it will be that broken lol… Blizzard did it again. *face palm


It’s important to understand that HSguru only uses the tracker side of the data. So when it says that 35.6% of Legend players are playing Big Spell Mage, that actually means 35.6% of players with either that HSReplay or Firestone deck trackers installed, and data collection enabled. It’s possible that the deck is significantly less (or significantly more) popular with the general population than it is with tracker players.

The same thing applies to winrate. A weighted average of all the deck archetype winrate data that HSguru gives for Legend averages to about 50.5% winrate (with 95.6% of tracker side decks classified), which means that the average winrate inflation is about +0.5% at that rank. This means that the Big Spell Mage winrate in the overall Legend population is actually about 53.7%, not 54.2% like it is with the tracker population.

in other words calling the deck GARBAGE would be wrong as even 53.7% winrate wouldn’t be GARBAGE. I’m saying he hit lowrolls/bad hands and doesn’t have a big enough sample size(or built the deck wrong)

The deck is actually not that good. You either high roll like crazy and you end the game in turn 5, or you lose. That’s it. What makes people mad is the fact that when you lose against a high roll mage it feels so unfair.

how did they give them rush ?

ive been playing mage and i didnt know it was possible !

EDIT : im guessing they pulled dancing floor out of travel agent

doesnt seem consistent

Win rate isn’t relevant. Bigger problem is that it’s not interactive. You can only beat it when your opponent draws poorly, otherwise they get an auto-win by turn 5-6.
Playing against decks that are impossible to counter is antithetical to skill and enjoyment of what’s supposed to be a skill-based game and turns it into roulette.

What is antithetical to skill is looking at a popular deck, completely disregarding the fact that people are beating it regularly (winrate IS relevant), which means that the target deck IS possible to counter, and then pretending as if they are impossible to counter just because you’re a failure at it.

You can’t actually understand what the numbers on this page (https://www.hsguru.com/archetype/Big%20Spell%20Mage) mean and simultaneously believe the cope that there’s nothing you can do. 28% spread between best class and worst class. Are Rogues just unlucky or something?

It’s not “beating” the deck, it’s that the deck doesn’t automatically beat others sometimes. Either you mulligan or draw a combo to play 9-10 mana card on 5 or you don’t, but don’t pretend that you actually have input in that.

Oh, and the win rate is near 70% (68.7%), which is broken. Very. If you can mulligan King Tide, it’s 80% win rate, so you can lose the game 4/5 times just by your opponent getting a card in their first 4 turns. That’s the definition of non-interactive. HSreplay, literally sitting on top.

And again, win rate isn’t relevant, it’s the futility. It’s the highest % in the game but doesn’t require any skill and barely any luck to auto-win.

Oh, and I played a version of the deck on day 1 from D5-legend with 2 losses from unluckily drawing all 4 big spells by turn 4. Literally, the only way I lost had nothing to do with what my opponents did.

Where are you pulling that number from? So I can explain it to you.

Because wherever you got it, that’s very close to just being completely fake.

I don’t need explaining from you bud, save it. You clearly need it explained to you before you can continue, and this is about as much as I care to dumb it down.

And I literally mentioned the stat tracking site by name, it doesn’t want me posting links. Go there and look at the top win % deck.


Found it anyway: https://hsreplay.net/decks/#sortBy=winrate

Okay, so here are the 3 biggest issues, in no particular order:

  1. It’s rather clearly labeled Bronze through Gold in the Filters section. HSReplay hides all Platinum and up data behind a paywall. So we’re only measuring the deck’s performance at noob ranks.
  2. You’re looking not at the archetype as a whole, but at one specific deck list, with a relatively low sample size of ~210 games. Over a larger sample of 16,664 games, incorporating all deck lists in the archetype, the deck has a winrate of 61.57% according to HSReplay themselves (https://hsreplay.net/meta/)
  3. HSReplay uses only the tracker side data for overall winrate data. Admittedly, you need to dig around regarding their methodology to know this. Because players who have tracker software installed play better than players in general, especially at lower ranks, there is significant winrate inflation. Based off an analysis of data from HSguru, I estimate this tracker side advantage to be roughly 3.84% — that is, at those ranks, players with the tracker installed win ~53.84% of the time regardless of what deck they’re playing.

So the reality is more like 57.73% winrate for Big Spell Mage, whether the player has the tracker installed or not, at Bronze through Gold only, and you’re thinking it’s about 11% higher, because you don’t actually do research, you just grab numbers real quick without knowing what they mean. If you even want to know.

You should never trust HSReplay for anything ever. Nor should anyone else.

Hsreplay is showing me 11 decks with more than 200 games played and the lowest winrate is 56.8% while playing Marin and the 10-mana legendary spell along some other weird card choices. The only reason the winrate is so low with any of these is when two of these decks face each other, one of them has to lose.

I don’t have paid access, so the winrates I see are across all ranks, but I would think a well-piloted and tuned version is probably still near 60%.

No they’re not. Look at the page, it says Bronze through Gold.

Edit: I’m on my phone, so if PC is different, maybe check under Filters

Edit 2: also see my earlier post

Buddy, not even reading it. Feel free to keep wasting time, though. You already demonstrated your lack of understanding on the subject. Nice to know you also don’t understand simple words “don’t need explaining.” Simple English is clearly too complicated too. Goodbye.

Around 30. The deck isn’t strong. Highrolls are.

it’s a crapy deck. if you don’t watercolor artist by turn 3 you don’t have high rolls with coins to get 10 spell on turn 5 or 6. clear cards will wipe it such as brawl. for a deck with that many legendaries needed it sucks.

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That’s exactly what they want, to sell more Mini-Sets. Why do you think this happened, do you really believe they didn’t know what that card would make possible after working 11 years on this game?

They always do this. A week later it’s “ooopsie, sorry, we will fix it”. They ALWAYS wait until people cash into those OP cards first.