Enjoy your free wins!

For the past hour at the 3500 bracket range for BG’s i’ve been joining lobbies. Wasting all the time i can for a hero selection and then immediately conceding and starting the process all over again. If your starving for MMR climb and around this level queue up now! You know you wont get 8th place at least!

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Well, it’s nice that you have a hobby to fill your time.

What, exactly, do you imagine you are accomplishing with this act of terrorism?

Why did you come here to brag about being sociopathetic?


Act of terrorism? Im giving away MMR! Thats far from a terrorist act. Who doesnt want free MMR?

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Time to find a new hobby

How is me helping out 7 people a problem? I’ve probably helped 100+ hearthstoners at this point. 2 hours and still going!

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Because no body cares. It’s a problem for you. wasting your time.

And how am I wasting time? I think 7 man lobbies are puuuurrfect. 8 people playing a game? Thats toooooo crazy. 7 is the prefect number. It gives those in 5th, 6th, and 7th a chance to win.

Your wasting your time. How sad is your life you don’t have anything else to do you’d rather enjoy? Go and do something productive with your life.

Helping others is productive.

You have to take care of yourself before you take care of others.

Don’t worry about other players. We can manage with 8 player lobbies.

It seems others have joined my cause. I’ve seen a few lobbies now with even less than 7 starting players! Think if we had a dedicated 4 people queueing than leaving. Since theres no downside to losing at 3500 only those FOUR random hearthstoners would auto win. And it cant be win trading since i never win. The smiles on those stoners faces must be huge.

Are you trying to farming reward track?

Hell yeah brother. 4-5 exp at a time!

Obvious forum COC violation is obvious. Alas, the mods will do nothing, as usual.

Why the roping at hero selection then? If what you’re doing is an act of altruism, then that part seems quite out of place.

The comment has to be flagged by the community, before the moderator sees what the fuss is about.

No flag, or an insufficient number, & no moderation.

Edit: Twice, I’ve had comments flagged by the community restored by the site moderator. They give you a little notice when they do this. So you see, there is site moderation; it just works better than you want.

Wrong again. I don’t care how they work. I am not their emplyer. I am just pointing it out.

you could also design a mini-robot that clicks start on mouse and grant endlessly :joy::joy::joy:

If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be responding.

Obviously, you thought my comment violated CoC.

Obviously, it did not.

You’re not a reasonable person, therefore #ignore.