End of season rewards scam

Just logged in and was met with my end of November 2023 season chest. Managed to Reach plat 5 apparently.

Anyway, I click through all my rewards, 3 or so new expansion packs, load of card both normal and golden

I go to open my new packs in this PoS game, nothing. 0. I was given no packs. The HS dev team honestly need firing for all the scummy decisions and scams they try to pull on players. Where tf are my season rewards for November you shcmucks??? Lying scamming freaks


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No, shame on you. Get a grip.


Lol. I didn’t get my rewards and im the one who needs to get a grip? Delusional blizz defender

Just killed my fav mode too. This game will be dead within the next 2 years

You’re calling for people to be fired because of -checks notes- digital card packs missing.

Do you know the words you used?

Sorry you don’t have your packs, but it’s no reason to say FIRE THEM ALL!!!11!!11 and drool at the mouth, loser


Get. A. Grip.

Yeah they do deserve to be fired lol

They are incompetent at their jobs. If i was even half as bad as they are and failed half as many times as they did at my job Id have been fired years ago lol

Dont even get me started on them getting 3 weeks xmas vacation. FOR WHAT? All they do is sit behind a screen and make failure after failure of expansions. In what world does it make sense that some underpaid waiter only gets 3 days off for xmas break whilst these scumbags get 3 weeks when they do nothing lol.

They dont deserve how much time off they get. They dont work hard enough to warrant it

They have just spent 3 weeks relaxing to come back and immediately kill a core game mode lol. They are literally laughing at the players at this point. They dont give a F about anyone

You really need to come to terms with the fact a good game to these people doesn’t necessarily mean successful franchise anymore. The amount of money it rakes in on a quarterly basis is the new incentive since Acti came along.

I’m sure there are devs there who do want to make the game good, but at the end of it all, they probably don’t get to make the final call.

Also, saying something like this:

Is only relative if you are designing a card game, let’s say a video game.

It isnt relative at all. You have a job. Do it or go. It doesnt matter what profession you are in. That is true for everybody. There are always better, more competent people ready to take your place. Earn your spot or be seen the door. That is life

All they are currently doing is sandbagging the game with bad developers which just sets the game for failure in the future. Flush the trash out now and let fresh water flow in