Enchanting drakkari is unavailable essential card

Good afternoon, I would like to report that an essential epic neutral card, the enchanting drakkari, is not available. It simply disappeared from my deck and when I enter the gallery it is impossible to create it because it says, unlocked upon completing the tutorial. I have been playing for over 7 years, it was in my deck normally and out of nowhere it was removed. Please help me solve it.


I’m seeing this too, looks like it happened between Wednesday and today.

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Ugh… Ever tried checking blue posts? (It was my grumpy version of ‘twenty characters required’, really :grinning:)

So what you are saying that they are aware of the issue and its being resolved???
Its been fixed, but we are still having issues???

They ought to state at the end of the sentence what type of step in the process is it at, as its not really clear to someone that is a newbie like me.

If you want to use Drakkari Enchanter, you need to own (or craft) the Knights of the Frozen Throne version in Wild.


If an issue is the list of resolved ones, what do you think its status is? :grinning:

Likewise, if an issue is listed in patch notes, then it’s supposed to be fixed (unless an ‘Oops’ moment has happened… again :grinning: ).

Not really, for they have actually got sections for that in their post — have you checked it out? As far as I remember, they used to flag the status of separate resolved issues, though.

Only in Wild anyway.