Emote Addition Request - Sorry

Because almost all blizzard game enjoyers are incredibly sad, sensitive and have no idea how to deal with conflict in any way at all.

You can literally make some of them die if you’re mean enough to them lmfao. That being said it’s little wonder that something so innocuous as “Sorry” upsets them.

I like to come to the forum once every few months to remind the people who inhabit it how much they suck tbh. Because its funny how they react lol

That’s fine, but can’t they implement the squelch feature again to prevent this for anyone who is that sensitive?

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that never left. It isn’t about these people controlling their own experience. It’s about them trying to control YOUR experience. That’s why squelching doesn’t matter to them and it matters way more to just have a thing removed.

They like to pretend they’re righteous but in all reality they’re just stupidly petty.


Wait, Squelch was never removed? I was told Sorry was removed because I guess some people didn’t like it or something, I figured the Squelch feature was removed because otherwise it makes no sense why Sorry was taken away?

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It makes as much sense as them making a crab mod to replace all the spiders in world of warcraft.

Just senseless pandering to people that don’t matter and have no sense of self control. The world has to bend to them not the other way around.

And it can be profitable if you do that for them sometimes. In this particular case people were literally not playing or buying things anymore because their feelings were so hurt, so it made more sense to prune the thing that was cancerous to your profit.


I think the reason the Sorry emote was seen as sarcastic and used in toxic ways according to some, had a lot to do with that famous South Park joke where the BP executive repeatedly says “Sorry” over and over again in more absurd settings, which drives home the message of how not sorry he really felt about giving said apologies.

So when spammed to the same extent as that South Park gag was during a match, with the same delivery every time, it got to be not just annoying, but it drove home the message of how not sorry they were being just the same as the South park gag did.

That’s my outlook on how it became part of the playerbase’s zeitgeist of limited communication in HS and how one can possibly toxify an emote. I may be way off base with it but i remember it vividly and I always thought of this when it was spammed at me.


That’s fine, though I believe all the emotes are probably guilty of this? Imagine being Thanked after everything. Or Oopsed. Or Greeted. Or whatever emote…that’s why I figured the Squelch feature must have been done away with, because if someone is emotional about the emotes in the game, I thought they could just Squelch…but I guess the Squelch feature has been in the game the whole time, yet they chose Sorry to get rid of? I am just wanting it to make sense, I’ve yet to read or see or hear anything that does except “Blizzard does Blizzard stuff for no real reason” which if that is the case okay fine I just have yet to hear any actual reason why Sorry was removed that anyone who plays couldn’t just Squelch and that other emotes also do the same thing so idk I’m just confused

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I cant make it make sense for you bud. I dont think anyone can. But its been explained a couple times to ya already and its been made clear that squelch was never removed either. you are repeating yourself at this point.

The way the sorry emote was spammed just hits differently than the other emotes. It strikes a different chord in people’s feels is my best guess as to why so many took exception to it being spammed. You can spam the Greetings over and over again but it wont really make you feel any sort of way other than maybe annoyed at the same sound being spammed. But I guess that doesnt meet the threshold for Blizz to act whereas Sorry did. Again, i cant make it make sense for you.

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It’s okay, thank you, I remember back in the day people used to get upset at Uther and Priest Greetings and anyone saying Well Played, I figured if people were emotional or annoyed by the emotes they could just Squelch…I never expected Sorry which I believe is one of the main/major emotes the game should have (as it did) to be taken away, that is really truly sad and I’m sorry that Blizz felt the need to do it because some players weren’t aware of the Squelch feature, such a shame.

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I dont think it had anything to do with players not knowing squelch was a thing. If Im not mistaken Im pretty sure some esports tourney or big time streamer would do it, I cant really remember it clearly, but someone big enough to make the emote seem in poor taste when spammed got their attention, outside of the whole community complaining about it for some time.

Right…well, I guess it will simply never make sense as to why it was removed then. So sad :pensive:

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i hate snakes, and instead of being scared of them in wow, and just killed every single one i came across

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I beg your finest of pardons… a what mod to change the what in the where now?!

Its hard enough to get an addon to accurately tell me if a piece of gear is an upgrade or not lol… how in the FelHound’s Droppings is that addon allowed? lol. Ive seen a Dalaran Elixir that would make every player and npc appear to be a Mage to me in all the same gear. But a Spider into crabs mod? Tell me more.

Note: Crabs are infinitely more terrifying than spiders are… so unless it was for making the people that suffer arachnophobia even more terrified… I dont see the real upside to this addon lol.


i think its a feature that the devs are putting in for the next expansion

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the arachnophobia to crabs mod was my idea i think not sure though. sorry, it was a dumb idea i think.

and i used sorry sincerely and logged off the game when i felt bad for killing enemy during a game. maybe blizzard removed it because they don’t want people to be sorry for killing, they want killers. maybe has to do with call of duty being u.s. army supported or something or just the general repressed psychopathy of people in general.

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Yeah but did you die tho? were you mentally scarred and now seek therapy due to literally one word whos meaning you gave yourself?



the whole thing is just stupid lmao. I refuse to believe that there are people out there that sensitive that a sorry without more context than just the word itself got that sadmad about it.

Then again you cant even say sh1t here because these forums are for babies I guess. I dunno. Chances are I am just yelling at a bunch of kids lol. So maybe theyre right about that one.

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this also isn’t true and its silly of you to say so. “whole community” lmao it was a very small amount.
A loud. Stupid. Stupid. Small amount.

But blizzard cannot afford to lose players even that far back. Even more so now. So we get crab mods and no more sorry.

In fact I betcha if we cried enough about “oops” here on the forums they would get rid of it too. Just from the mere threat of players leaving lol

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That’s what I was thinking…I remember people getting upset at Uther Well Met! And Anduin Greetings. I remember people getting upset at “Well Played” when half the time, that Well Played was not appreciated at all and viewed as gloating or sarcasm. So…why did Sorry have to die when all the emotes are guilty? And of course…the Squelch feature has been in the game the whole time! :man_facepalming: I wish it made sense :sob:

Just had the finger pointed at it is all. Literally random luck. Make no mistake. ALL the emotes are complained about by the same people.
Sorry was just their victory is all lol.

It will never make sense so you need to stop asking that. You’re asking to make sense of people who are SO BAD AT FIGHTING of ANY kind they have to pick an arena they can win in.

And usually that arena is something really stupid. like a “sorry” emote. It doesn’t matter though lol it really affects nothing game wise.

It does however affect blizzards look. And the type of people they attract. And those kidns of people are disgusting and they ruin games.

Look at the turdhole blizzard is now. It wasnt entirely blizzards fault they wound up this way. Its those nerds faults too.

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mostly because people were spamming it constantly for their whole turn and then killing you when the rope nearly ended, it was used as toxic way of BMing by children and insecure people.