Greetings, so I am enjoying this game and I understand why it does not have any chat interface with players besides Emotional, which I do appreciate. Having things like Oops, Well Played, and even an emote to Threaten, is great! However there is one emote I am surprised is not included (especially since Thank You is also one of the emotes). That Emotional is Sorry. Sometimes something happens in the game where it’s based on RNG and it doesn’t go someone’s way or doesn’t seem fair, in which case a Sorry would be in order…But it isn’t an option. Can we please get this Emote to be additional into the game? Thank you so much!
It was removed. It was too toxic.
Look it up if you don’t believe me.
I’m sorry, but how is apologizing toxic? And if it is…what about all of the other emotes then? Wouldn’t they be toxic too? This is very confusing…
It is my understanding that emotes can become toxic because there are strategies around which emote to use in order to psych out your opponent.
Okay, right…I am confused however because IF that is the case, then what about all of the other emotes?
Also, isn’t there a Squelch function in the game?
I just want to empathize with my opponent and apologize after something ridiculous/stupid happens
“Oops” kinda fills that role, somewhat kinda sorta anyway
But i wouldn’t be opposed to em adding it in either way
Oh, what a memory you’ve unlocked.
I’ll try to keep it as PG as possible, but it’s because the overly sensitive couldn’t handle a speech bubble in a video game.
I guess so, but Oops means like, a mistake was made, whereas Sorry means like, something happened and you empathize with someone. If someone breaks something of mine and just says Oops it is not the same as if they say Sorry (in this case Sorry is much better and more appropriate). I appreciate people who can say Sorry. I thought since Thank You is in the game I thought Sorry would be one as well.
Did they remove the Squelch feature from the game? If they did, then I guess that would make sense
Well, they removed “Sorry” from the game.
Evidently, people couldn’t handle people using it, and it was deemed toxic enough to remove.
We’re talking about alien stuff here. These people who deemed it toxic live among us and are allowed to vote.
Oh my, that is so very sad thank you for letting me know
They replaced it with “Wow” in 2016 so that you couldn’t spam sorry at your opponent while you destroyed them. Like patch 5.0 something.
People weren’t using it in good faith is all I remember. It was more the sarcastic “sorry” when someone screwed up or fell short on removal or whatnot.
Wow… (lol no pun intended) that’s amazing.
I take it they got rid of the Squelch feature as well then? Because otherwise that reasoning wouldn’t make sense at all…
Also, how does one emote gets used sarcastically is removed, but other emotes gets used sarcastically, and don’t get removed? I’m growing increasingly confused about this, oddly…
Sadly I dont think Blizz will ressurect the Sorry emote, even though I suggested some real doozies… cuz that was in 2022 last time XD
"“Oops” is basically used the same way currently but its far less interesting than the old “sorry”, so can we please have it back? There are SOOO many new characters that could have hilarious lines! I made up a few previously to list here, but what do you guys have to add?
Try saying the line in the specific characters voice, its 5x more funny!
Illidan: I’m… growls … sorry… yoursoWEAK!
The Thunder King: WHAT?! Sorry?!?.. Hu hu hu…
Deathwing: I destroyed what?.. My bad…
Sylvanus: Sooo sorry… your still Alive…
Dame Hazelbark: Oh my!.. Well apples DO fall…
Lady Vashj: What!’s CHAIN lighting, and you are standing in water!
Arranna: Now see? That is why they don’t let me juggle warglaives…
Kel’Thuzad: Really!!! This IS my sorry face! Tell them Mr. Bigglesworth!
Some new ones:
Kurtrus: Why should I be sorry?.. that was a DEMON!
Faelin: I misplaced your what? Wait, wait, who are you again?
Tavish: What yeh leaking at the face fer!? FINE! …The next round is on me…
Dawngrasp: I… did what? That’s… cold… even for me!
Uther: I was blinded by the light, so that one shouldn’t count!
Lazul: So sorry, but you should have seen it coming, like me!
Garona: Whaaaat!, it wasn’t even a king this time!
Rastakhan: Apologies…would a commemorative golden Rezan statue fix this?"
That is indeed very sad…I thought it would be a natural fit with all the other emotes, I was hoping it could be added…but I guess they got rid of the Squelch feature so people got tilted because some people were spamming Sorry or something like that…
fun fact, almost every hero skin in the game has a sorry emote even though they cant say it, even the new ones
the only way to access them is this
just keep emoting with this minion out, and at some point you will say sorry
And that is why he is my Avatar XD
Thank you, it seems like since it’s already in the game maybe they can just enable it again? And then they can enable the Squelch feature again as well, so that if someone gets upset when someone uses the emotes they can use the Squelch feature
It appears that no matter what emote you use, a subset of players will take it as a personal insult and become enraged.
Its thanks to these effeminates weirdos with hypersensivity who go crazy for an emote that we don’t have a proper chat ingame.
Also strange they took out ‘Sorry’ when my death knight can tell people ‘Come… be my PET!’ as she slaps them to death with some random undead.