Electra Stormsurge Puzzle 4/6 Stuck - CRITICAL GAME LOCK

With latest update (maybe also before) I am stuck at this Boomsday Puzzle level:

Puzzle #4 - A Shaman’s Strength

The level doesn’t load

Now my entire Hearthstone account is stucked (still trying to resume the game). Please unlock this


Same problem. Mine partial loads… and then just sits there.

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Same problem. Infinity load…

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Same here on EU. Electra Stormsurge Puzzle 4/6 does not load / start!


Electra Stormsurge Puzzle 4/6 does not load …
Yes my problem too

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Adding to this. Same issue. It doesn’t just go into a lock state, once you kill the client and load back in, it hangs on “Reconnecting” for up to an hour.


Can also confirm on my end, had the ‘reconnecting’ for a few hours, and it still refuses to load the stage.

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Blizzard please fix this :sob:


For the reconnecting thing you can try to wait offline at least 30 minutes. After that time I was able to open Hearthstone again.

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me too, sux bug, help us please!

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also having this issue

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Same issue here. : \

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Also same issue for me :frowning:

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Same for me, I can’t even load the game. Please fix it :frowning:

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Can confirm. Also submitted a bug report via battle.net already

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I’m also experiencing this issue on desktop and mobile

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Same problem here! Can please Blizz fix this or just let us know something with a blue post?

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Also having this problem. Started a few days ago, I’ve been able to get back in after some time, but the level didn’t work and locks me out after that.

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Same problem. Electra Stormsurge Puzzle 4/6 does not start!

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Та же проблема, но теперь у меня нет часового подключения, после перезахода в игру.

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