Dust Refund Policy. What else did we missed? Chapter 2

Dust Refund Policy. What else did we missed? - already made this topic about Dust Refund Policy.
We missed refund for the:

  • Trolley Problem
  • Asvedon, the Grandshield
  • Pyrotechnician
  • Jotun, the Eternal

Reno, Lone Ranger

  • Old: [8 Mana]
  • New: [9 Mana]
  • Dev Comment: All the Showdown in the Badlands “No Duplicate” cards are also getting a further adjustment to their conditional effect, discussed below.

We didn’t get any refund for the other Highlander cards from the Standard.

  • Gunslinger Kurtrus
  • Rheastrasza
  • Theldurin the Lost
  • Spirit of the Badlands
  • Elise, Badlands Savior
  • Doctor Holli’dae
  • Deepminer Brann
  • Maruut Stonebinder

It’s also non-direct nerf to the Helya.

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Reno is available for refund, I don’t get why you include him in the list

why would you get a refund for cards that are being buffed ?
The cards have no hard counter anymore.
It’s not the first time that a card is changed in both directions, and when the buff direction is more impacting the outcome, there’s no refund
Papercraft angel lost 2 hp, I don’t see a refund

A minion nerfed from 5 to 4 attack is also a non-direct nerf to shadow word death but I don’t see why we should get a refund for that card


Looks like we got another Cramer in the topic.
Reno, Lone Ranger is literally a copypaste from the patch notes.

I don’t understand what it’s supposed to mean.
Aren’t you listing all the cards that shoul have been offered a refund but haven’t ?

I vote for Money Refund!!

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pyrotechnitican has the same effect since release
same with asvedon and jotun
and hes asking refunds over buffs too

i think this is the guy who was asking for refunds over bug fixes

If you don’t understand, why do even join a conversation?

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I didn’t understand your reply after I first joined.
Also maybe I join TO understand ? Hence why I asked ?
But this doesn’t look like a conversation since you don’t bother answering the questions from people trying to understand your post.
You’re making a list of cards you expected a refund for. Why do you include Reno in the list ? Obviously you copy pasted it, but what does that change to the fact that you included him in the list ?

Read in chronological order. If you don’t know what are you talking about - better to stay silent.

What exact buffs?

I think you’re the guy with same IQ as Cramer.

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you are literally asking for refunds on cards they never nerfed!

Yeah, the OP is the REAL Cramer

Wasn’t much to “refund” when they made singleton decks nigh unstoppable as a whole for those that did use it it and LITERALLY useless if you happen to discover one one of the many “if you didn’t cripple yourself at the deck building phase eat a brick for trying to get a random ANYTHING” Forget the nerf making Transfer Student slightly more useless cause now there’s no point using them for the guaranteed lone ranger reno without already being a lone rager already. Now any murloc related strategy is considered braindead if it doesn’t have 2 excavates cause the newest sir finley likes showing up 3 times back to back when you use Underbelly Angler or fish flinger.