( Dust issue) Resume Generating Events

Yea, awkward, because I too made a suggestion but not as radical as boba. Turns out that I always get a notification when posting as OP.

The devs making things right will hardly kill the game. Save the drama.

Well, I am communicating, not sure what you’re getting at here. I see once again you confuse blind shilling for the devs and the company and being a blind propagandist for a toxic company who abuses their employees for “hating the game.”

For those who are curious, the easiest way to spot a blind shill is to ask them to say something, anything negative about the company. They physically cannot do it.

So go ahead, say something, anything negative about the company!

The moronic, corrupt, and outright illegal practices? Of course those need to be shut down. Anyonce with an ounce of integrity would agree with that.

(give your pointed look)

You should seek some professional help for that. Your imagining things that don’t exist. I don’t need to hide behind an alt account to call out your lies and shilling.

How gross. I hope no one is doing that on this thread. I only popped in to comment on the topic, whereas you popped in to shill and blindly propagandize for the company like always.

It’s almost like some sort of collection history log would come in handy. :yum: