( Dust issue) Resume Generating Events

Hearthstone team,

This dust situation is going to hurt from all directions because no matter what you do or did, there is going to be losses.

Now the losses is going to be determined by the dealer because someone has to pay the price right? The question is, who is it going to be, the player, the dealer or the casino?

The players who spent the dust made off like bandits, in which you can impose a consequence but that is going to hurt the player and the dealer but save the casino.

You can cut your losses, reward the players who didnt spend dust and ultimately mend the players who felt an injustice, but it will hurt the casino when they see the top shaved off.

Or you can take my suggestion because I have 3 college credits in Risk management from 7 years ago.

My suggestions : Cut your losses, reward everyone, maintain the player base and keep a good relationship. Is my suggestion bias? Maybe…but the way I see it is that your current casino has been bought out by a larger one and the concern for money will be distant issue. So why not do it while everyone is distracted by the integration process.

Blizzard Fan


I’ve been saying this since this started: 20,000 dust to everyone. Their fix zeroed out more than the extra dust, and the cards they took were more than the honor rewards.

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I certainly think it will help.


Your point is duly noted, OP.
I’m afraid no matter what course of action is taken, some folks will not be happy. Just read all of the various comments. I think a small windfall to everyone should make all parties happy, and Blizz can save some face. After all, the players did nothing wrong.

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To me, it is very rare to me that a Blizzard fan give suggestion to Blizzard.

Usually, what I see is fans just protect and defend their beloved game, and whatever Blizzard do, fans will always give support.

For my suggestion is simple:

  • Hire a decent programmer
  • detect when the dust is given and the transaction of cards that use the extra dust and just take away those cards…

That should be simple…

But Blizzard make it difficult…

It happens all the time. The forums are literally filled with them. what’s very rare, more rare than an unharassed worker at the actiblizz hq, is that they ACTUALLY TAKE THEM TO HEART AND PUT THAT SUGGESTION IN PLACE!

They always do.

This whole problem began because they took stuff away, and they still haven’t fixed it (they took all the dust in many cases, including the dust people had before this debacle).

They just need to give everyone 20,000 dust worldwide, offer a sincere apology, and call it a day.

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Believe it or not those that are vocal on here - are vocal many times because we care about the game!

I do think blizzard needs to do something to make others happy as well. Or else it’s like rewarding those that take advantage. I know that many thought this was legitimate - so I don’t think players that spent should be punished.

They don’t need more bad press. But things like this make me think they don’t care about their customers. I don’t mind if there’s a don’t buy from blizzard day. They keep this up and it will exist.

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woah people are going crazy about not getting a refund for abug they werent affected by

probably the same happened back then when the pity timer got bugged and some players got dust because we didnt get the legendaries and epics we were supposed to get

Beggers gotta beg

20 characters sucksss

What i expect they do ?

They remove the dust to negative values. result :

  • people who crafted good cards have a bit of time advantage , they crafted now what they focused to craft next month.
  • people who crafted mediocre cards , they got cards now but with patch changing meta mb was not the best craft to do.
  • people who crafted bad cards can be sad , but that means they have good meta cards so they can afford the situation till new expansion.
  • people who got nothing , lost nothing and others got nothing more.
  • people who used dust to recraft wrong removed cards , this will end in a bug inside a bug of multiple bugs … worst situation becouse they need to wait another fix.

This will cause general madness anyway , so they wait some more days , and they give some free packs.
All will start think … " at least i got something from blizzard mistake … " 80% playerbase happy , end of story.

just to clarify, since I’m seeing a lot of different perspectives from people here, we essentially have a few different camps of people affected by the dust fiasco.

  1. The People who crafted cards: these are the folks who got the best out of the situation, they crafted a bunch of legendary cards before the dust was removed, suffered no losses.

  2. The non-crafters/confused: There was a twitter post from hsDecktech saying not to craft any cards as “negative dust” was a possible outcome. These are the folks who didn’t craft any cards during the exploit and are posting because they feel taken advantage of, since doing the opposite of what was suggested by the company would have been the best for them.

  3. The unfortunate: These are people, like myself, who had some sort of bug with the automated dust removal. In some cases thousands of dust are removed from the account at random, as well as golden honor cards missing from collection. This is by far the worst hit group, since the dust removal process essentially robbed them of their in game currency.

This is by far one of the most pants on head stupid situations hearthstone could have put themselves in. none of the people effected by this have had satisfying conclusions to the problem, apart from the people who exploited it to craft cards.

Blizzard shouldn’t have done an AUTOMATED removal of resources from accounts, that is such a “pants on head stupid” decision that I don’t know how it got through any level of management.

add on the insult to injury from the HsDeckTech twittet saying that there were no problems with the dust removal and that people just don’t know how much dust they had in their accounts. I play this game almost every day, i know how much dust I had in my account before this whole fiasco and I’m in the hole over a thousand from all this, no cards crafted.


Nice take, what team do you work on?


I’ve seen in another game something similar and they gave equivalent 20,000 dust to all the players and then the customers that had bought stuff started filing legal complaints and requesting their money back, calling it a scam and the game closed down after about 2 weeks. I don’t know if I’d want them to give everyone 20k dust either because as a veteran player who has saved 33k dust, it’s taken me 6 years to do that and I’ve only spent like maybe 6-7k dust in that 6 year time frame, I also hardcore grinded the system when it was 3 wins=10 gold, I just pumped out games that would end in 3 minutes at a 75% win ratio, also disenchanting every nerfed card even if it leaves holes in my deck.

There isn’t just one camp of players, dealers or casinos I guess in the analogy earlier and it’s not exactly a simple problem that requires a simple fix, it actually requires a complicated fix, one I’m not sure they are capable of. You can’t just make people grind, do tasks they have not enjoyed for a few hours a week (I’m talking about things like cramming a deck full of battlecries, or playing with decks you know won’t win just to satisfy a quest and that is 50% of what you do in hearthstone) for 6 years then give that thing to some people, not even all of the people for free.

I had 23500 dust prior to this instance, and I was given 8000 x 2 which put me in 39500 total dust. I didn’t spend any dust because I had all the standard cards and I know something is fishy. So the next day they took away 16K dust but not a penny more, I still have my 23500 dust


“woah shills are going crazy about the company screwing up once again.”
ftfy for all the shills in the thread

Now on to the serious people discussing this seriously:

It is simple: the company admits the screwed up, offer an unqualified apology, and compensate their customers. If straight dust isn’t the answer for some, then offer a $20 bnet balance credit. For all the nonsense, maybe they should offer it on top of the 20,000 dust, since team 5 and the company are dragging their feat on this.

The meter is running, and the longer they drag their feet, the more people will expect from this. Especially once the lawyers get involved.

seems a suggestion aimed at killing the game profits comming from someone who just hates the game and everyone having fun with it …so he wants it to be shut down

Wrong. Been playing Blizzard games since the 90s, that won’t change. My suggestions is to prevent players leaving because of this dust issue. Who am I going to play with if the game is dead?

i see you forgot to switch between your alts

Who exactly are you replying too because my notifications tell me you replied to me twice.

to the boba account…you can see it on my post up there
thats why i found odd i pretty much called boba 20000 dust for 2 million of players a terrible suggestion…

and you poped up to defend " your suggestion"…