Dust generation: common and rare cards

Hi every one,
I thinks that there is a fact in hearthstone dinamics which is unfair or wrong. Why by disenchantig an epic or a legendary you get 1/4 of the value while when you disenchant a rare you get 1/5 of the value and a common 1/8. I don’t think this is fair, still 1/4 of the value is very little, at least give us the same value for commons and rare so that is easier to craft new decks, like this is impossible to play all the decks that you like without spending a fortune, which most casual player don’t have or want to spend.

you can always just not dust away your collection? that way you can play all the classes still? If you must play netdecks… then thats a you problem. welcome to competitive mentality section of the game? I lack a lot of cards still from every set, but I just dont get rid of anything that would put me at lower than 2/2 of a card (1/1 for legendaries). but the moment I encounter 3/2 of a card or more, dust away.

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Commons and rares are not really meant to be dusted anyway
Keep everything and wait for nerfs. A common you have 8 copies of and is refunded for full will be way more worth it than dusting everything that goes by

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probably because common and rares have higher drop rates than epic and legendaries

never use the mass disenchant button to make th emost of the balance patches