I own an Uncraftable Golden Legendary Silas Darkmoon
Mistake? Why can’t I dust one?
Support-guy from India just presses the ‘this is not an issue (if you really have an issue, you’ll submit a ticket 3 more times then we might look at it)’ button when I mention this and also when I mention opening the same legendaries in a pack that I already have in my collection.
You can’t dust them because they were promotional items given to everyone for free.
As for opening legendaries that you already have in your collection, that shouldn’t happen unless you’ve collected all legendaries from that set. Keep in mind that collecting a card then disenchanting it still counts as having collected it for duplicate protection.
Nope, this is wrong unless they’ve changed it again very recently.
Otherwise when a legendary gets nerfed, if you already owned all the cards you could dust that legendary, buy packs and be guaranteed to pull that legendary again for 1600 dust a pop, repeat.
I’ve had that happen to me with I believe Scholomance Academy cards that got nerfed. I think there’s a time restriction on how long after you’ve dusted the cards before you can get them in packs again to avoid the specific problem you mentioned but once that elapses if you have everything else you’ll get them back. That or I happened to get really lucky and randomly pull the ones I dusted a month or two later
Right now the only SA card I don’t have in my collection are Guardian Animals from when it was nerfed. If anyone wants to gift me the 5 SA packs it should take to get an epic from a pack or do 1 at a time until I pull an epic I’d be happy to test this theory but I’m not spending money on this and don’t wanna tap into my gold reserves just to test this out.
Yes. . . It seems. .if I’ve collected all the legendaries in a set. .and I dust one. . .then I open a new legendary. . .it won’t give me one I’m ‘missing’ but a random legendary (very likely not the one I’m now missing). That, or Blizzard has made a mistake
I think this was done with the new TavernPass update. . .they’re really telling you to only dust duplicates/making it hard to collect a full-set of the old cards.
That seems to be what is happening.
2 legendary ‘Silas Darkmoon’ (and neither of them can be disenchanted) seems like a huge waste (and possible a mistake on Blizzards part).
Seems pretty unlikely to be a mistake. They aren’t craftable, and you can’t disenchant any non-craftable cards (just like Basic cards or golden SN1P-SN4P, etc.).
Yeah, before. in the basic set. .I was always missing one legendary. .the 8/5 or so ‘Beast’ Deathrattle: your opponent gets a 3/3.
When I would get a legendary (from a Tavern Brawl pack) it would always be that same/the one legendary Beast I was missing. . .and I could decide if I’d y happy to have the full set or dust that beast again. Now it seems (at least for other sets) that when you get a new legendary it won’t be one your missing. . .
Or there is a foul up with the ‘dual-class legendaries’. I was missing a few legendaries and when I opened a new legendary, instead of getting one I was missing I got a second copy of a ‘dual-class legendary’.
Anyway. Support guy in India pressed the ‘there’s nothing wrong’ button. That was like 2,000 dust for me (1600 for Dusting the Gold Silas {I can’t use two}) wait, 3200 dust, and all I got was 400 dust.
Lol, I should have kept the second copy of the ‘dual-class legendary’ (I won’t get 3 [there are only only ‘dual-classes’}). But support never came through and eventually I dusted for 400.
Golden Silas wasn’t free. He was included with the Darkmoon Faire tavern pass.
In any case, neither can be crafted or disenchanted.
This is nothing new. It’s the same with all the Galakrond hero cards, for example, or the Transfer Student cards (regular and golden versions.)
So it was a mistake. .I was missing legendaries in a set and got a second legendary of a card I already own. It was a ‘dual class’ legendary. I had 2 of the priest/mage legendary at the same time while not owning several other legendaries in the set.
That’s BS, and despite this comment, I explained it quite clearly to support. They just said ‘there’s no mistake/this isn’t true’. That was an easy 10 e ts for the guy. Bonus 5 cents for ‘closing my ticket’.
This is not correct. Eg: If I disenchanted Skull of Gul’dan for example, when it got nerfed. I collect all the other rares from Ashes of Outland. I am not guaranteed to open Skull of Gul’dan in the next pack. It’ll go back to random rares again.
Yes, this is the first ‘promotional card’ that I got 2 of the same one. Do you own 2 Uncraftable Snip-snap?
Probaby, I got 1 as my legendary for ‘buying 80 packs’ then I got another ‘legendary for buying promotion ‘x’
More likely, I got the ‘free’ Silas everyone got. Then when I bought ‘50 packs’ and got a ‘free darkmoon legendary’ it was the exact same one.
Probably wasn’t supposed to happen
Admittedly one is gold/other not. When I received 2 of the same legendary (while not owning many in the set) both were the same ‘dual class’ legendary.
I don’t think this was supposed to happen. Never had it happen myself until this new set. I had thought it might have had something to do with the new patch/new way of registering cards. .but it does t look like it, if I can agree with what you’ve said, no reason not to.
Which Scholomance legendary did you get 2 of before you owned all the other ones? (including disenchanted ones) If that’s the case, then it would be a mistake, on Blizzard’s part.
I think you might still be confused, or perhaps I am. You are supposed to have 2 Silas Darkmoons. Neither one is considered a duplicate, and neither one was a mistake.