Duplicate confusion

I opened a pack I had gotten today from, actually not sure where from (was a standard pack). Low and behold i pulled an epic card. This epic card gave me a total of 3 copies. In the 10 years of opening packs, I have never remembered receiving a duplicate card giving me 3 when I was missing other cards of that rarity from the same set. They always filled in the missing ones, whether it was a missing card all together or a 2nd copy of that card. But never a 3rd copy. I am missing 8 all together from standard. 2 cards from the latest set I don’t have a single copy of, and 4 epics I am missing a second copy of. Is this me not noticing I had received a third in the past or was there a change made to opening packs?

If you have disenchanted a card, the game will remember that for the purposes of duplicate protection.

So check your missing epics. If you have disenchanted them, that is the reason duplicate protection didn’t step in to stop you recieving a 3rd copy of something else while you had copies of other epics missing.

Also, of course, it helps if you know what pack it was. If it was a standard pack, that means you own (or have owned) two copies of every epic currently in standard. Obviously if it was a pack from a specific expansion, that is not the case.

Note that if you disenchant a golden card, this does NOT count as dusting a NORMAL copy, so duplicate protection will allow you to pull a normal copy in its place, but only when you have 2 copies of everything else at that rarity. Also, you will pull normal copies of any golden cards you still own at that point.

Example: I disenchanted 1 gold and 1 normal Sharpshooter when it was nerfed, and later (after collecting 2 normal copies of every epic in the set) pulled another normal copy. But duplicate protection will never replace the normal copy that I dusted. Only randomness can do that, after you have collected all other relevant cards.

Duplicate protection works like this for normal cards:

Does the player own (or owned) 2 copies of every applicable card?
Does the player own (or owned) 2 NORMAL copies of every applicable card?

So, duplicate protection will continue to work until you have owned 2 normal copies of all applicable cards. And of course, it will still work for any golden copies pulled after that.

I currently have 4 copies of widowbloom seedsman , a druid epic card. I do not have all epics in standard for sure.

I think it has to do with catch up packs , maybe no duplicate protection in those? No idea how else I ended up with 4 copies.

Standard isnt 1 whole set you get duplicate protection from, as far as Iunderstand whats been explained. Its about the expansions themselves within. if you forget about the broad category of Standard and instead pay attention to the expansion youve got those 4 copies of, look at the remainder of that expansions legendaries and see what you are missing that you;ve not dusted in the past. It sounds like you arent taking that into consideration but instead are lumping all legendaries within the standard set as being protected from getting duplicates. Once youve got all of a rarity within a set you arent forbidden from getting anymore cards from that set in the future, you can still get a certain set of cards even tho you may have owned every card of that set already. its because its in a standard pack and not a specific expansion that you can still draw cards from those sets.

Tony, I was going to say something too but wasn’t sure which epic or epics I may have disenchanted to get something I was missing to complete a deck I was making. So, that does explain it. Thanks for replying. Also, how come all my hard earned achievements won’t be done till the near to distant future? hard to put the facetious undertone in text… I noticed a while ago, but a majority of ones I finished say completed. However, the dates range from April to November of this year. thought I’d see if you have an answer to avoid some time scouring the forum.

Widowbloom Seedsman is an epic card from murder at castle nathria . I have 4 copies of that card. I am 25 epic cards short of having 2 of all epic cards in that set.

The only way that can happen (assuming all things are working as intended) is if you have dusted other epics from that set in the past for whatever your reason may have been. As dusting a card still counts as you once owning it, counting towards the grand total of that rarity in that set in which dup protection checks against.

If you are like me and dont dust anything at all until it reads I own 3x of a card and bring it back down to 2x, no matter what class they belong to, then the issue you are encountering never occurs. I dont think dup protection has any bugs that are actively known about but submit a ticket, ask them to verify your Castle Nathria’s completion index about epics, they might shed some light for ya as they can see those values that we cannot.

Also, there are these methods you can encounter said card:
Type || Source || Quality || Count
Card packs || Open one of these card packs: Druid Pack, Standard Pack, Golden Standard Pack, Murder at Castle Nathria, Golden Murder at Castle Nathria || Regular
Golden || 1~2 (random)
Crafting || Craft a Regular copy for 400 || Regular 1
Crafting || Craft a Golden copy for 1600 || Golden 1
Run || Complete an Arena or Heroic Duels run. ||Regular 1 (random)
Ranked || Open the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of season. || Regular 1 (random)

So it is completely possible to get more of the same without owning all the epics yet via end of season rewards chest, an arena or heroic duels rewards, etc. Those are not Dup protected against as they dont come from a pack.

Yeah , I don’t dust non extras either. Certainly haven’t dusted 25 epics. Yet I have 4 copies of that card.

The last one I opened came from a standard pack. I assumed it must have been due to catch up packs why I ended up with 4.

One copy may have been the random reward track epic I suppose. This is the first reward track I’ve progressed through much of in years though. I only just returned a few days before badlands release after a couple year hiatus. Still shouldn’t end up with 4 though right?

I haven’t ranked above diamond levels since return so no epic from there.

I could submit a ticket I guess. It doesn’t really bother me much , just saw this topic and thought I’d bring it up. It would be nice to see how it happened though , that may be worth a ticket.

I may have figured it out.

I have a deck called guffs guidance. I must have logged in right after that set released and was offered “new and returning players” deck. I Must have picked that one , it has two copies of widowbloom seedsman in it.

Then I must have opened one in catch up packs just before badlands , and last one from a standard pack.

So maybe no dupe protection from the free and returning player decks cards?

Yep, its not a good idea to disenchant cards unless you need the dust right now, in order to complete a deck you want to play, or improve a deck you are currently playing… Except when cards get nerfed, of course, its always OK to dust those. If you change your mind, you can craft them again without losing any dust.

Management of dust is essential if you want a decent collection of cards, and remember that when a card is nerfed, you only get a refund on that card, and not on the other cards in the deck. So, spending a lot of dust on a deck is very risky. If you decide to play a different deck, and have dusted any of the cards for it, you will have to re-craft them, because, as you have just seen, duplicate protection will not just allow you to pull them again.

If you do disenchant cards, always disenchant the golden copies first. Obviously they give you more dust, but duplicate protection means you can still get the normal versions after you have collected all other cards of that rarity, but without being at the whim of RNG.

Remember though that cards regularly get nerfed, and when they do, you get more dust. It sucks if you dust a card and then it gets nerfed later. BTW, some cards are being nerfed in a patch going live right now.

I’m not sure what you mean here. I have always found achievements appear straight away when completed, and with any rewards. Remember that you only get XP rewards if you complete the achievements before the next expansion is updated into the game (which is about a week before that expansion launches).

No they appear soon as I get them. But the date is showing… the future. paranormal time variance? eh, prob just a bug lol. Screenshotted the achievement page below and put it in google pics so you can see what I mean.


Yep. It must be time travel… :slight_smile:

None of my friends like Hearthstone and when I hit a certain landmark in the game, they really don’t care so I’m gonna post it here for my fellow players…

In BG I just won with Hogger. which was my last hero for that game mode’s achievements! yay me. My only ones yet to get for BG is (well see below)…


I know how rewarding it will feel when I knock out that last 2%. (can you feel the sarcasm?). truth is there will be a lower blood pressure, less shouting horrible death threats at my cheating opponents, and mice that will survive a week. :smiley:



