Duos there really needs to an avoid player option

2 games today I’ve partnered with the same person, both times they left before the match even started.

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There is, it’s called queuing with someone

hard to do when I don’t find out who I’m playing with until after the match already started.

You can queue with someone you know so you don’t have to play with a random

Apologizes for misreading the original text, but I’m aware you can queue with someone. Brother in law wasn’t home from work and I wanted to do a couple duos without him. Thankfully I’m lower ranking than my solo rating so my score wasn’t affected. I digress. It would be a neat option.

At lower ratings you don’t lose MMR if you lose, and sometimes people are at a MMR floor, in which case there’s no downside to insta quitting. So people will just reroll heroes/tribe selections until they get a mix they like. Blocking 1 quitter wouldn’t do anything anyway. If you don’t want quitters you have to queue w/ a friend (who agrees not to quit)

some people play internet games like this because they don’t have friends. why post an unhelpful statement.

Then play solo mode, duh

Random teammates in online games are known to be toxic, especially when there’s no penalty for quitting

please just stop and go somewhere to grow up a lil. duos is the most fun i have ever had in HS. but doesn’t mean a few things cant be fixed

I Don’t leave BG games to find specific heroes but, I’m on Scout’s mindset. When there is no penalty for quitting why play a hero you don’t like, if blizzard didn’t want you to only get two options you didn’t want to play so you auto concede they allow you more options to pick from
I would also state if you pair with someone that doesn’t leave there is an ingame option to send them a friend request so you can play with them again, possibly fixing your problem

Yeah, either add friends to play with over time, or don’t get so hung up over lost MMR.

If you queue with randoms, randoms will quit, and you just have to accept that or don’t queue randomly.

So you completely ignored what I typed. Good to know. I’m up late at night thanks to work, my friends and brother in law aren’t, its that simple. Yes, I’ll make in game friends now and then to play with, but not always.

You swear I’m asking for something that is game breaking? A little option to avoid a toxic teammate for 2-3 days similar to how Overwatch did it? Obviously it can’t be applied to single ranked, but when your partnering with a duo and they either afk out, or do something to give enemy players an advantage, blocking them for 2-3 days can mean you have the opportunity to get out of the same MMR they are in, by busting your behind and playing well.