Duels Won't load since update

Since the new update I am having issues playing duels it shows me a resume option and when I tap it nothing happens and game just freezes???


same for me, sucks cause i really like duels


Did this get solved? It’s happening to me too.


same here still not doing anything after the update

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YEAH! me too still waiting on blizzard


I have the same issue where I go on to duels with a record of 4 wins and 2 losses and when I press the resume button it crashes on mobile and pc not going onto any new screens. Making it impossible to even cancel the run. It is quite literally unplayable and I can’t even do my duels quests.

Hoping for a fix

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Same here. Any news about the bug @blizzard?

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I am also unable to enter duels. I click “resume” and then it freezes forever.

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When i try to enter the Duel mode, the Back button appears and after clicking, no action occurs. I reinstalled the app and cleared the cache. The same problem is observed from a mobile device

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Has anyone solved this problem?

been experiencing this problem. after I played a duel then when my 3 heart run out, when accepting the reward it suddenly hang. then i restart the game and when i enter the duel, it always stock up.

Jeez guys…

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its not the same issue. This has nothing to do with the rewards screen for us.

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Sure, but there’s still valuable information in that thread.
Multiple threads pop up on a daily basis complaining about problems and asking them to be fixed when it’s already confirmed by Blizzard they’re not going to do anything until the “next big patch” which is presumably the mini-set arrival.

Still happens to me, a week after the first time I noticed

I too can’t load duels. There’s the button that says “resume” but when it’s clicked it endlessly seems to want to load but won’t.

This happens for me as well. I click “resume” and the app just hangs. This most certainly has nothing to do with heroic rewards.

Additionally duels are part of the current event so we can not progress until this is fixed.

Try this, it worked for me. Just try clicking where the handle would be if the resume button worked properly

There’s nothing to push. Doesn’t work. I have a “resume” button. No rewards. No handle.

Add me to the list. I can’t start duel mode in heroic or casual mode. It freezes the game and my win / loss history was reset back to zero.

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