Duels was my primary motivator for spend

Hi devs and community,

I am asking you to please reconsider deleting Duels from the client. I understand Duels does not directly generate revenue for Hearthstone, and I also understand the team is not going to allocate development resources to the mode. However, I believe Duels is an indirect source of revenue for the game and should remain in-client. Duels is the only reason I spend money on the game, including the battlepass and enough bundles to 100% every set as it’s released. Because Duels keeps me so engaged in the game overall, I end up playing ladder and buying skins for ladder. I also end up playing BG and purchasing the BG battlepass every season. However, with the end of Duels, I can’t see myself continuing to spend money on the game. These other modes are peripheral activities that I enjoy alongside Duels. I am also an achievement hunter, and I use Duels to complete achievements. Because I would not enjoy completing achievements in ranked, this change effectively ends my engagement for Hearthstone. I have spent thousands on this game and I look forward to playing every day. Please reconsider removing Duels from Hearthstone. Not only is it a massive disappointment for players like myself, I believe it will have an ultimate impact on revenue.



I feel you bro, I play hearthstone since like 2016 and this is very sad, I really enjoy duels and it shouldn’t be removed. At least leave it there just like mercs.

It is a fun and exciting way to combine specific expansions to test the game playing Wild Cards. Wild barely gets support, why on earth would they want to deprive us from Duels too?


Duels is literally the only mode i spend gold on. So now they have literally devalued gold to the point it has no value to me lol

They are slowly killing this game year by year with bad management decisions. Sack the top 25% of the team and get new leadership in before you capsize your game entirely

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it would be a good idea to post this on redddit too


I totally agree with you! I won’t be playing Hearthstone anymore if they remove Duels.


Same here bro, Duels was the only reason I spent gold really.

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Agree. I only buy packs for Duels. I cannot understand why Duels is removed. It takes nothing to keep this mode as the last update was half a year ago.

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I’ve only played duels for the past few months. I will not be playing this game anymore when/if it’s removed


Yeah, I’m out after they KILL duels. I bought the tavern pass every time, but only for duels. Blizzard clearly doesn’t give a F*&^ about what WE want. It’s cool, though I recommend playing a game with devs who care. The customer is ALWAYs right!!!

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I’m not a Duels player, but I feel for those who mained it. I know I’d never touch HS nor watch it again if they removed BGs.

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I spend the majority of my gameplay on Duels. I get bored of ranked standard after diamond 5 because the grind to legend isn’t worth the extra pack. I indirectly buy packs and tavern passes for Duels. I definitely spend dust to craft cards just for that mode.

Instead of shutting it down, why don’t you monetize it better? I would totally buy a separate battle pass for Duels and there is so much untapped potential for cosmetics. Not to mention is enables longer life cycles for out of rotation packs. Modes like Wild and Twist just feel like lesser versions of Standard. The reason Duels works is the growth between rounds and feeling like you’re leveling up in a campaign, not just a string of random hands again and again. This is probably why battlegrounds is so popular too.

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Same here. Duels is by far my favorite mode and the sole driver of any spending I do on Hearthstone.

I see this sentiment expressed so frequently that I believe Blizzard’s metrics must be incapable of distinguishing between purchases made for duels and purchases made for other constructed modes.

If the metrics were capable of making that distinction, I’m sure Blizzard would see that Duels’ smaller player base makes a disproportionately high contribution to revenue. (And also passion and excitement. Look how many of the largest streamers consider it to be their favorite mode, Regis, Roffle, Zeddy, etc.)

When the mode shuts down in April, everybody who says they’re leaving or not spending any money afterwards should reiterate that the closure of Duels is the reason why. If Blizzard does not see how much they’re undervaluing Duel’s contribution to Heathstone’s success now, then maybe they’ll see it when Duels and its fans are gone.