Duels mode ending

Im shocked and angry about the news that duels mode is ending in 2024 april.
I honestly do not see the reasoning they are cutting this awesome mode.
Arena was a mode in Hearthstone from its first years ,and while i also enjoyed playing Arena there was a tolerance to randomness i could swallow. Duels unlike arena requires you to craft the deck from your collection meaning its similar to a wild deck but the added card pools and treasure make it a great mode. The argument that they can’t support the mode anymore and need to shift the resources elsewhere seems like a bad excuse on the fly. Removing it with the argument that its a static mode that changes unlike the mercenaries mode is true, but The card interactions are the same as in the wild format . Updating the collection is the same as wild . I don’t remember them adding that many new heroes as of late other then the deathknight ones .The new card interactions with treasures is the only thing that requires some support , but even there you can just ban cards that have problem with treasures like they already did with some busted cards.
All in all i don’t see the huge support and resources this mode needs like they so claim, unless they also plan on removing wild format very soon.


If I had to guess from reading their post, which states they are ending duels… and trying out duels treasures in the arena soon. With arena tickets costing currency/money, it feels like they are trying to morph arenas into duels so they can cash in on the monetization aspect more. Not a fan of this move. imo duels were the best part of hearthstone. It was the only area of the game that didnt feel like powercreep and monetization were super heavy.