Duels low population?

So last 6 matches in Duels I’ve been getting stomped. This last match I literally lost on turn 3 so I friended the guy and he is multiple over double my rating in Duels. What causes this matchmaking blunder? Is it a low duels population? Or is matchmaking not working?

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I can tell you why I stopped to play duels almost altogether.

Regardless of what I am trying to achieve with my deck, vast majority of the time, I got passives that do not synergise (like getting to choose from 1 weapon and 2 minion passives in all spell deck).

I quit the duels run after getting 1st passive 7 or 8 times before getting something I actually want. Then comes the 2nd passive, and yep, all 3 totally useless for me.

The buckets I subsequently get are totally random and rarely have anything that synergises, and then I play against decks that are like they were constructed. Perfect passives for the deck, no garbage cards played, everything working together.


I mean yeah. That happens a lot too but I’m really concerned about the matchmaking if I’m facing people over double my rating.

That’s probably because there are not enough players.

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