Duels: error starting

I cant play duels mode. Because when i starting:

“There was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again”.

pls return my money (


Same here! I cannot start a duel game for about at least a day now.


Same here ! Maybe this is because I copied a deck code and replaced some cards I didn’t have ?
Edit: I’m saying this because there were some UI bugs while I was replacing them: the game didn’t let me scroll down far enough to remove a card I didn’t have (on mobile), so I just dragged another card in the deck to replace it automatically.

same situation when i copied my deck (

Same, since yesterday

Same for me till today, game told me i dont own snake trap and i added it manually and not as import via deck Code.

Yeah same here! Error…

same for me, duell mode for paying 150 gold doesnt start. error

I am receiving the same issue!! Have not been able to enter a duel all day from this error, however, I can enter every other game mode.

Same here

Having an issue with duels - cannot start a run - deck is built and accepted - cannot retire the deck.

Just keeps giving me the error to try again in a few minutes.

Same here it is not possible to retire that

There is a blue post

I have the same problem for 2 days now. Please fix or let me compose a new deck (& money back).

I have a same problem. What should I do?

Same issue here. “There was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again”. Fix this plz.

In here too. In Duels, using Demon Hunter and picking Gift of the Legion card, it does not allow to build deck. It does not go forward from build deck screen. I AM FRUSTRATED THAT I CANNOT PLAY A GAME and I used time and effort to collect the coins?! HOW LONG IT TAKES TO FIX BUGS HEARTHSTONE?!

Nothing will happen Till 19:00.
Just wait for the New Expansion, it will be fixed after that (70% Sure)

If Not, GG

Response I received from customer support…

Game Master Ixzal here and we have received similar reports. There appears to be a bug with some new decks and this is being investigated. We unfortunately don’t have any fixes or workarounds, nor do we have an ETA on when this will be resolved. In this case, we ask that you please remain patient while this is being fixed. You can keep an eye on the forums for any updates:

I cant play ladder after new expansion. Because same problem with starting game (((

same here!! please fix this! :’(