Duel ending is crap just like blizzard

So first you nerf the good and fun stuff into oblivian so that it is impossible to play with (cold feet, helya) if you are certain popular classes. Then you decide keep the crap game modes that arent performing as good and lose the fun ones?. The main game sucks. Simple. Wild is over too fast. Twist was stupid. Battlegrounds was your best creation but you keep taking away anything fun. Letting poison rule. Duels was litterally the only other game mode i played after being scammed on helya. Losing the availability to play her in the funner game. Only to lose that game mode. You lose bgs and im gone. I already quite all your other titles cause drop rates were ridiculous. 10+years for the heasless horseman mount, only to watch new comers get it beside me over and over. Running the same dungeons solo so i didnt have to roll for old mounts only to have you increase the difficulty so i couldnt. It being easy to dominant a dungeon 20 lvls under you wasnt what made it unfun. Playing for 5 hours to beat the same dungeon with nothing to show for it afterwards is. Your ideas of fun are warped. Stop nerfing the fun stuff and buff the garbage stuff.

Duels Mode was the mode I played very little! I think I played more Mercenaries with a friend until I realized that Mercenary was too boring!! Mercenaries was supposed to be a Gacha game and Blizzard didn’t even know how to do that!! It would have been just like competing games and it would have been wonderful, but no, Blizzard had to try to revolutionize the world of games like: Gacha, through Mercenaries… and it was that rubbish!!

Delete both modes, I don’t care!!

but they never nerfed helya