Druidstone-The destroyer

I don’t think the game developers are stupid enough to let the current metagame have almost only one playable class?! (you guys can probably guess which class that is)

You have to learn how to read stats sites. E.g. go to hsguru. It clearly shows various warlock decks being extremely good; various classes having multiple good decks too; it’s hard to find 1 class not having a great deck (mainly hunter).

I know that. I’m not saying other classes aren’t playable. There are plenty of decks that are playable. But Druid is much stronger and needs to be balanced as soon as possible.

There are various ways to read the stats. E.g. today they are nowhere NEAR first at the top of the ladder. I see easily DKs and Paladin and Priest and Warlock and Rogue decks above it.

Did you follow the recent HST Summer?
Did you see how strong Druid decks are when they are played by professional players?
It is no coincidence that the ratio of matches I see them in ranked is overwhelming compared to other classes. And it is no coincidence that most players brought them to the tournament that just happened (if I am not mistaken).
Painlock, Handbuff, Overheal or DK… can win when facing them but the conditions are much harder.
Look at the stats at Rank of Lg and Lg top 1k and I can guarantee that they will be balanced.
If you don’t agree or don’t believe, that’s up to you.

They kept playing warlocks and paladins too. In fact if they KNEW a druid would be the opponent they would DEVASTATE it by always going against it with very fast aggro like a pain lock.

The interesting druid stuff I noticed was that Reno was great in it because when it ramps then 10 mana is “cheap” and I was wondering why not more play it (they play it today I see in stats).