Druid on heroic duel .. win on turn 4?

when in a heroic duel a druid on turn 4 plays 10 creatures between 11/11 10/10 etc. how should you rate hearthstone? A good game? Done right? Fun? It doesn’t seem like it to me, we are dealing with a system that can only irritate you… Guys, let’s make ourselves heard because undergoing all this is crazy, if you accept it in silence it’s really like a flock of sheep…

That’s a highroll, seriously. The problem in duels was/is Elwynn Boar. It’s a deck archetype that is virtually uncounterable and it’s watching your opponent play solitaire for a few turns before OTK’ing you.
Weapon Shaman and Enrage Warrior are also pretty toxic but at least you have some hope with early removal.
Big Druid is actually pretty tame and it’s not exactly meta dominating. If you look at sites which track the top performing duels decks Omu is pretty far down the list.

They need to remove sets from duels. I dont know why they keep adding more and more expansions to it without removing some from the pool for a while.

It’s becoming more and more like wild with every expansion and losing its unique duels charm. The power level of stuff available is becoming insane and its breaking the format.

They should have set an expansion limit of like 5-6 expansions and whenever they add a new one they remove an old one. Not only would that shake up the duels meta significantly where certain decks no longer have the pieces they need to work anymore so new decks take their place, but it would actually tone the game down.


Just a reminder

Duels launched with

  • scholomance
  • naxxramas
  • karazhan
  • classic

in its early access, then got

  • darkmoon fair
  • old gods

At its official launch since it launched the same patch as Darkmoon Fair

And now has

  • legacy
  • naxxramas
  • GvG
  • League of Explorers
  • old gods
  • karazhan
  • ungoro
  • frozen throne
  • kobolds and catacombs
  • witchwood
  • uldum
  • demon hunter starter set
  • scholomance
  • darkmoon fair*
  • barrens*
  • stormwind*
  • alterac valley*
  • core
  • sunken city*
  • castle nathria*
  • mark of the lich king*
  • path of arthas
  • festival of legends
  • rastakhans rumble

*+ the mini sets of these expansions

See the problem… i’m all for adding new gameplay into the mode but things should also be getting removed to freshen things up and make it easier to balance. They’d only be temporarily rotated out so people’s collections arent sat there rotting away.

If they keep up the pace they’re on, by next year we will have every set in duels and it will literally be wild+


And yet The Goblins and Gnomes expansion with my favorite combo still isnt allowed in duels… Sword of Justice + Hobgoblin + Echoing Ooze + Blessing of Kings… it just isnt the same without the Hobgoblin…

Edit: Yes I went and looked up the card names for this post. I didnt know any of their names despite them being in my pally deck for years now lol.

It’s not a highroll. I have lost to several druid in the format now due to the cancerous combo of dew process, Anub’rekhan, into a pretty big board. Not to mention they just hero power until everything is at 5 cost and just essentially steam roll you. Unless you have hard removal its tough to win especially if they have the elixer that shuffles more copies into their deck. Talk about a fun time. Yea, lets create a minion that cheats out more minions in a class that struggles very little to do so.

There’s fun and fair decks where its a back and forth swing, but with the latest cards druid has gotten over the past year its pretty much cancerous unless you are super aggro and take them down really quick.

you losing to it doesnt make it “not a highroll”

how often can you pull that board

The reason I called that a highroll was in regards to TURN 4. I’ve played hundreds of matches with and against that deck and it usually ‘goes off’ around turn 6 which is counterable by any other deck that builds a decent board by then since the druid has zero board removal.
The deck is not at a power level higher than any of the other top decks. Which are mostly aggro (putting aside the new Reno/hero power OTK combo deck).
Unholy DK, mage w/ discover buff, and enrage warrior are all top decks that give druid no time to build a board or respond at all. So… rock paper scissors just like all of HS tends to be in every meta.
Not saying you don’t have the right to complain, I’m the biggest duels complainer on the boards, but this just isn’t the problem deck. With the most recent nerfs, duels is actually fairly balanced-ish for the first time in a long while.