Druid is disgusting in Standard

This is probably why. They can’t sell packs for “Signature Jailer.”

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I’m really not surprised that the strong neutral legendary is best in druid… like all of them end up being.

But yeah, this deck is pretty dumb.

The fact that the deck is about 11-12K dust depending on some meta choices would effect lower ranked matches. It’s a fairly pricey deck and it’s spread out over many expansions from last year. I know some here will disagree but it’s not exactly a “brain dead” deck to play either. You can severely mismanage your hand and resources without lots of practice.

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Nice try, but activating cards in card games is as simple as a click and drag. It’s idiot proof.

That’s not what i meant. How did you even come to that conclusion from what i posted?

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Is it not vulnerable or is it that control warrior has completely squashed any board based decks?

Because we’re talking about a deck that doesn’t care about the order you play the cards. It’s fool proof.

Problem with druid is they decided it shouldnt have a weakness anymore. It used to have the weakest removal of the spell classes. You played an 8/8 on an empty board they just couldnt kill it without naturalize (or swipe+other cards) but then that play either used combo pieces, prevented developing or otherwise impacted with druids turn alot.

Now they just gain a million armor, draw their deck turn 5, wipe your board for 0 mana and develop a thousand stats. What other class did this and recieved tons of hate for it? Oh yeah, relic dh. Druid is relic dh with ramp.

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*Temporarily banned. But I think that is the only card that needs to be looked at, without that druid is not really that strong anymore. Nerfing other cards would be a total overkill imo.

They can nerf more. Druid doesn’t need like 8 spells that cost 0-1 mana. Can bump those costs up since they ramp to 10 mana by turn 5-6 anyway.

In wow druids have aoe. I mean, it’s a natural thing for the class to have and i think that should be more present in hs, even more than in other classes given their background.
A class with little to no removal should not be a thing in a game, but the ways that a class access to removals should be unique to that class, instead.

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just when i start the farming with aggro deck with seeker in them it took me way to long to realize a deck with a low mana curve could run seeker to mess with that druid deck without losing anything if druid draws it

thats what “warping the meta” is right ?
when people start running something they wouldnt run just to counter a specific popular or competitive deck

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I don’t agree with that because then they would have just a bunch of overpriced cards that no class would ever play outside of druid and all of this just for their ability to ramp up faster sometimes. Instead give them less access to hard ramp that screams of “combo only” and a more peculiar playstyle. Outside of tony druid, however, druid is in a pretty balanced spot right now tho.

Yup, so disgusting that it just got emergency nerfed via Jailer ban.

What’s next to break the game?


Of course they should have removal. My point is fruid used to have to sacrifice something to clear up board. Spend 4-5 of your 9 mana to clean up and not draw or develop OR draw to outs and improve your hand or board or whatever your win con is.

Right now druid dont have to choose. Clear board while drawing while gaining armor while ramping and gaining or manacheating cards in hand. Oh. Still have mana left over. Guess Ill hero power and buff attack some and swing face. :face_exhaling:

Actually. nevermind. There is a decent chance druid will continue to do scummy druid things without Jailer or Tony :melting_face:

Click here for list

LoL Druid

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (0) Aquatic Form

2x (0) Innervate

2x (0) Pounce

2x (1) Embrace of Nature

2x (1) Rake

1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

2x (2) Chitinous Plating

2x (2) Harmonic Mood

2x (2) Solar Eclipse

2x (3) Contaminated Lasher

2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling

1x (3) Photographer Fizzle

1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame

2x (4) Spread the Word

2x (5) Nourish

1x (8) Anub’Rekhan

1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder

1x (15) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Basically, just with Ignis and Fizzle they can bully your face just as quick. Far easier to counter tho.

People are already running Rustrot Vipers for Ignis, and Steamcleaner for Plague DK (in ETC but still). Yeah, this is way easier to counter than Tony/Jailer.

Thats adorable but druid can go infinite ignis/yoggs/fizzle photos. How many vipers are you running?

Besides they go for 1 mana windfury weapon and attack buffs. Viper on their turn?

Well… turns out, druid continues to be disgusting without Jailer. Until they do something about Yogg, druid will have a blank check to outgreed the meta forever.

Yogg will probably go to 20 mana to slow down Druids using it to board clear (or just set it to 7-8 mana with NO cost reduction mechanic) or change the mechanic to ALL minions fight each other instead of just enemy minions.

Tony was a complete mistake as a card and should have NEVER been printed. I have no idea what they were thinking with him.

The immune mechanic will probably get changed so you can actually target minions that are immune.

Jailer is definitely getting reworked.

Lastly, Anub’arak will probably get the nerf bat…again.

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