Druid dragons is stupid and needs to be nerfed

i see druid in every mode because the dragon package is so stupidly overtuned on both tempo and utility (which is a problem because it is intertwined with the tempo) … in arena, in duels, in standard, all i’m seeing is druid, over and over … where were the balance patch notes on all of the druid cards that were nerfed??? dragon golem needs to be a 1/2 or cost 10, period … fye needs to be like 15-20 mana or reduces 1 for every 2~3 dragons summoned … desert nestmatron and spinetail drake either need to be changed to “for each dragon in your hand do ‘x’” instead of only holding one or they need to be nerfed on their stat line into 3/3’s … having both of these just pop out on turn 3~4 is some pretty gross tempo for holding a single dragon in your hand especially with a 8/9 in stats that deletes one of most enemy minions that can be on the board at that point in the game … this isn’t coming from the point of view of like “i can’t play my favorite deck now”, this is coming from the point of view of i hate seeing only this deck constantly and no deck seems to do particularly well against it … please make sure druid gets nerfed hard next round … and the only reason i’m not complaining about sunspot dragon is because at least every class has the option to use it, but i would almost like to see it changed to not be a dragon or made into an amalgam or some kind of thing to make it either less synergistic with the dragon package or even more widely available

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for wild those are perfectly balance…for Standard thats a different thing

well maybe someday they print cards with a slight variation for each modes

less powerfull effect for standard…more powerful for wild(just no mana cheat crap(aka everything cost 0 or 4 less))…cost reduction by 2 is enough…and capping reduction to not go bellow a cost of 1 would be enough

anyway not gonna bother with nother rent…they dont care about forum oppinions or non-streamers oppinions

well still waiting to see what microsoft gonna do though…at least the loose chicken bobby kotick is out now…and hope this mean a better futur for all of the games