Druid Cheater Help

I faced this Druid who had this card on turn 1 called Aquatic Form which put a card on top of their deck. The next turn they used this Breath of Dragons card which drawed them a card and gained them a mana crystal. Then they played this Diamond card called Vanndar Stormpike which reduced the cost of their deck minions by 3 mana. Turn 4 comes and they put down this card called Rhaeatrazsa or something which gave them an Egg which gave them more minions and discounts. The game continued a few turns I tried to stabilize but turn 8 I finally maybe had a chance but they played Reno Loner Anger and wiped my board. Then before they killed me they played Astral Communion to show me their whole hand, and guess what, the card they Aquaman’d was a Deathwing card which enabled the Breath of Dragons which enabled the Vanndar Stormrage which enabled the Rheazaterassa. How is this even possible? No duplicates and Astral Communion and Vanndar Lordpike all in one deck? Is it a cheater?

Why would you call cheating something that you perfectly explained through normal ways of playing the game ?

  1. Their deck had multiple dragons, this one or another one would have worked, it’s not like they got their only dragon
  2. They dredged, they got 3 cards that way, increasing their odds to find a dragon
  3. If they really cheated, they would have hit a 1-cost dragon so they would have not put it on top of their deck but also drawn it on the dredge turn
  4. If they cheat, what’s the point of playing a dredge card that doesn’t draw ? Isn’t it better to just draw the card you want in place of the dredge card ?

If they play highlander, I doubt this was their only 2-mana ramp card

You just described how ?

That’s… the deck they wanted to build ? Seems like you’re simply describing a high-risk/high-reward deck where they only play big minions/dragons.

I have one that makes a bigger emphasis of that in rogue where I can dump about 30/30 of big dragon stats on turn 4 (turn 3 without the coin with the luckiest draw). I’ve optimized the deck has much as I could and I know what to mulligan for to achieve what it’s designed to do. But there are games where I’ll just blank hard and won’t be able to play for 7 turns


Sometimes I wonder if just going back and forth on the report button like a monkey with a typewriter is more efficient than going here and describing in detail what it was that that killed you

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That wouldn’t work with Vanndar Stormgarden

To draw a dragon for their breath of dragon

They did play Invigorate to draw later on I forgot to mention

Describing does not mean understanding

Are you calling yourself a cheater? This sounds like a weird deck you would play in wild

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No, this was someone else, I was playing Vanndar Stormspark Elemental Mage

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a 1 in a million chance combo is bound to happen at some point

it just so happened, to you


That would work since they would cheat every game to have that card in hand, since that’s what you suggest they are doing.

Why don’t they cheat to have the dragon in hand in the first place ? Why would they bother with cheating an aquatic form that doesn’t even draw ? They end up with 1 less card in hand than if they simply drew it instead

So they play multiple ramp cards exactly to have higher odds of performing such combo. Which is logical since that’s the whole purpose of their deck

You described perfectly normal card behaviors.
What are you not understanding in what you described ?

If your only question is “How is it possible that they played that specific sequence of cards ?” then my question is “Why wouldn’t it be possible ?”


Where did I suggest they cheat every game?

Idk why cheaters cheat. I can come up with many reasons but we will never know for sure. Also it’s irrelevant, but nice try

I have no problem with Druid ramp cards. Probably why I forgot to mention the Invigorate they used to Draw

They got such a perfect and ridiculous string of events

My question was how it was even possible for them to have all of those cards in those order because it was ridiculous so I thought maybe it was a cheater or if it isn’t a cheater then why am I asking or considering it a cheater…think about it

How do we know it was 1 in a million and not every other game?

Thank you for answering your own question in the same reply

Which was not the question, nice deflecting

Such a perfect string of events that still required to waste a card. If it was perfect they wouldn’t have played aquatic form to begin with

The answer is literaly “because it’s possible”. There’s no limitation in the game making this scenario impossible.

You’re paranoid that’s all there’s to think about
If everytime you see someone with a good hand you call them out for cheating that just shows a lack of understanding of probabilities. Especially when you voluntarily ommit all the far from perfect events you come across.

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You gotta work on your reading comprehension…

What was the question?

Aquatic Form is a good card no matter what at any time, unless the deck is in fatigue, no?

How possible?

If I did that there would be far more threads like this…I understand probabilities fully. Idk what all the far from perfect events I come across are, or why you think they are being omitted?

Please, try again, you almost (not really) had me

Why would they cheat in a sub-optimal way.

At the condition that it draws the card. If you don’t draw you just lost a ressource for nothing. Playing aquatic form without drawing is worse than having any other card in place of aquatic form

By unfolding the chain of events that you perfectly depicted. How is that not possible ?

Then what don’t you understand on what happened ?

Aquatic form being played not to draw ? Not having the required dragon already in hand instead of aquatic form ?
Starting your game with 1 less card is far from perfect
I’d like to know how the rest of the game unfolded, because you skipped right to the reno part but we don’t have the details of the dragons they got from the nest. But I guess they were all perfect since you claim so

And I said there are many reasons one would do that…if someone is invincible, why would they care about being optimal (if aquatic form dredge turn 1 is unoptimal, for some reason). If someone is invincible, they can walk into bullets, they don’t need to think or dodge or anything. It could just be for fun. It could be for troll. It could be for challenge. It could be literally anything…again, it’s irrelevant

You don’t understand how tutoring a card, whether you draw it immediately or have to wait a turn, can be good? :man_facepalming:


I never claimed it wasn’t possible

I understand what happened, that is how I wrote this thread…good lord

If they were worth talking about. I would have talked about them. I only talked about relevant stuff. You, meanwhile…:man_facepalming:

Btw the dragons they generated were just value cherry on top, they played 2 Amalgam Bands from the egg, idk what else they got. It didn’t matter, the game was far over by that point

You don’t understand how chosing to have the card you need instead of wasting a ressource to tutor the card you need is better ? :person_facepalming:

Then why do you ask how it is ?

  • How is this even possible?
  • You just described how ?
  • Describing does not mean understanding

So you wrotte that thread first to ask how it’s possible by saying that describing what happened doesn’t mean that you understood, but now you’re saying that you understand what happened.

A part of a specific scenario is not relevant compared to the grand scheme of the whole game.
You said yourself you had a chance at one point in the game.
If they were actually cheating to have the perfect luck, there would have been a lot of generated dragons and discounted cards from their deck that would have negated your chances by turn 5.
Ommiting the entire part where they didn’t have particular luck only to focus on the lucky part is just a manipulative narration

Same as focusing on “they had exactly aquatic form that exactly gave them a dragon that exactly activated their dragon breath”. Sure it’s an unlikely event. But since their deck also includes other ramp cards, would have you come on the forum if they simply had wild growth or invigorate ? The outcome would have been the same with vanndar, but without the hassle to also have aquatic form and dredge a dragon. It would have been one of the several gameplans they surely hard mulligan for

What is the point of your topic again ?
You’re describing a perfectly correct game behavior, against a lucky opponent with surely one of their best oppenings. You’re both asking how it is possible while stating you do not understand, while also claiming that you perfectly understand what happened and that it’s possible.
All of that while accusing them of cheating. Which is strange, because if you understood all of that and knew how it was perfectly possible, you wouldn’t jump on the cheat accusations as your first conclusion.

You don’t get to choose the cards in the game, they are dealt to you by the algorithm, that’s why one uses Aquatic Form, to thin deck and find card on the bottom…idk how to get this through to you? :thinking: it is really pretty simple and card game knowledge 101

I can ask questions on a forum for a game I play, as I live in a free country with right to speech?

I can understand and still ask questions, they are not mutually exclusive

In theory, everyone has a chance in every game (of hearthstone)…it means nothing.

To talk about this Druid cheater I encountered

It wasn’t my first conclusion. You do a lot of assuming…you know what that means. Though maybe, as you’ve shown, you don’t.

Then why are you accusing your opponent of cheating by manipulating their draw ?
Why are you assuming

Asking a question for which you don’t want the answer that you already know (since you rejected that the answer is what you provided, which you then acknowledged to be a normal behavior) is simply trolling.

Important detail to know that you included meaningless information in your main post.
But you’re right, in theory every one has a chance. Also every one has a chance to get a 1 out of 100 000 outcome, so yeah it means nothing that this happened.

Then you must be off-topic from the start. You’ve been talking about a perfectly normal player this whole thread. Since you said yourself that you knew this was a perfectly possible behavior.
Not a single time in this thread have you provided any information about an actual cheater.

You can lose games where you made no mistake.
Which means every game with no mistake that you lost, you had no chance.
Which means that every of those games, your opponent had the required luck to beat you 100%
Does that mean that they cheat everytime it happens ?

Says the one that assumes their opponent cheats by playing perfectly legaly.
When I say that it would be stupid to cheat to chose to get that specific card you reply that you don’t get to chose the cards in the game. Make up your mind

Your whole reply is in direct contradiction with everything you started this topic with.
You’re a living joke and I won’t see your replies again :slight_smile:

That’s good, thank you

Not based on what you’ve described. Seems like a dragon druid doing dragon druid things.

Why would you think this is cheating?

Does dragon druid use Vanndar Stormrage and Astral Communion?

They reduced their deck cost minions by 3 mana, so they cheated like 45 mana worth of things with 1 card, allowing them to play a 8 mana card called Rhestrazdaa on turn 5 (well turn 4 because the durid ramped with the dragon breath of dreams which they only got to do because of the aquatic form dredge)

This guys (SuperCuddles) IQ is so high, that he outsmarted himself. That´s something what only few people in the world (Chuck Norris is one of said few) can do. See? You had no chance since very beginning…