Druid Cheater Help

How so? That’s to assume that what Derkan said was accurate, which, let’s face it, is a joke

Help my opponent has cards. They must be cheating.


That isn’t cheating, lol

Yeah, having cards is fine. Playing them is cheating lol

none of what you described is cheating, it’s the way the cards are intended to work. Welcome to Wild I guess.

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oh sorry, let me clear that up

“everything except the thing I’m doing right now is overpowered and should be nerfed!”

This guy does… what of it?

Is there a rule that they can’t use Vandar in your deck in wild because you don’t expect it?

Again, this seems like you’re salty that someone got off a janky meme deck on curve.

… and? That’s exactly what the card does. Did you never play it when it was in standard?

If you don’t draw it early, it’s useless, when you get it early it slaps. But it’s a meme or frindge strategy because it’s so inconsistent.

Again, nothing about that is cheating. The deck was literally made to make exactly those plays.

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No, that’s not right

Thanks, but I’m not new, I have only ever played Wild since before it was even Wild (or as I call it, True Hearthstone)

That’s not right either

Idk, someone said “oh dragon druid blah blah” but it wasn’t even dragon druid outside of a couple big dragons and a wild breath of dreams ramp card, that’s all

No, of course not. I was using my own Vannder deck

Nah, I can’t reveal yet why it’s not me being salty, but I appreciate you thinking so

I took a break during that time besides earning the diamond card somehow, also I have never played standard I play True Hearthstone

If they didn’t draw it they had Astral Communion to play turn 3 anyway lol…

Final answer? :thinking:

Nothing you have described is remotely cheating or hacking.

So ominous… and also BS.

Cheating is much different from hacking, please don’t attribute to me your conflation of the two

Wasn’t meant to be… sorry you think it’s BS

Be real specific here - what, exactly what, do you think they did that was “cheating” in your opinion.

Because the description you gave seems like a perfectly normal game against a wild dragon druid with a unique build.

It’s 100% BS until you bring something substantial to justify the allegations of cheating.

Until you can clearly show where you think something was cheating, as in not allowed under game rules - which would require a hack to do - then everything is working as intended and you’re just salty about getting highrolled.

Thank you

I appreciate you