Drops are live on Twitch! Everyone Get In Here!

How to connect your Twitch account: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000066385

The category of streams with drops:

The rewards:

Here’s what you’ll receive on for 4 total hours of watch time starting at 10am PDT on Monday the 11th and running for 24 hours:
-1 Festival pack, 1 TITANS pack, 1 Badlands pack
-2 Whizbang packs
-1 Golden Whizbang pack
-2 Tavern tickets
-Epic crystal justice strike
-Harth bartender

There will also be two Whizbang packs during Theorycrafting on Wednesday the 13th as usual - that event starts at 9am PDT on Wednesday and also runs for 24 hours or so.

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And as a reminder: Muted streams don’t count towards progress anymore. Make sure to set the volume at 1 or 2 percent.

I’ve been on mute, and it has counted for me. Most importantly, pull up the Drops page and monitor the progress. It’s easy to tell if it’s counting or not.

It’s a really great haul of drops, but I’ve been noticing most of them take a long time to trickle in after claiming. A few minutes for some, up to half an hour for others.

Edit: the early stuff was slow, but my Whizbang stuff hasn’t come through at all, an hour after claiming those packs.

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There are some problems because I only received half of the prizes. Sucks

I have the account connected, but I don’t get any drop

Golden pack didn’t show up in my inventory after I claimed it

remember youll have to link them again if you reset the twitch or battle net paswords

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I do not know why they REFUSE to advertise these things on the in-game client!

(deleted this part because, thankfully, the drops were simultaneous, not consecutive, but the rest of my complaint is still valid)

It’s infuriating.

I would have at least left Twitch running while I was at work and hoped my ISP didn’t throttle my bandwidth from “watching”.

But no, gotta read the forums religiously or follow content creators on social media to know about anything that is super time-exclusive.


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I agree sometimes it is difficult to keep track of what’s happening if all you do is play the game. What really worked for me to avoid missing out is to pay attention to the main news page https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news and subscribe to the official Twitter account https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone , the official Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone/videos/all , and the official YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@Hearthstone . If you do this you will never miss any announcements. They announced this event a month in advance, and whenever they do that, I write it on my paper calendar AND put a reminder in my phone, so I can plan ahead as sometimes they don’t give us a timely reminder.

Because you don’t understand the true purpose of promotional events. This is not [mainly] a free gift to players who are already constantly …“on the in-game client”.

It’s [mainly] for promoting the game to players who watch streams to spend time actually watching the game on stream and then …“RETURN to the game”.