Dreadlich Tamsin emote

Funny how you can report players for insulting you but you added an emote calling me a ‘cretin’.
Well done, imbeciles :smiley:


I got banned for way less :joy:

At this point it does not matter what the emotes say, people are intent on being offended. People get their panties in a bunch when someone says “Thank you” or “Good game”.

And it’s not a new situation. People just refuse to use the tools available to them to solve their perceived slights. The “Squelch” option has been there all this time. Two clicks of a mouse, or taps on the screen, is all it takes.

In fact, it takes less time to Squelch someone than it does to open a browser to come to the forums. It takes ~1s to Squelch someone. How long does it take to come to the forums and complain about something that you could have solved in 1s?

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I don’t think it’s about salty emotes, but about the morality that hs follows.

As said above, I got a 1 day ban from this forum because I wrote a curse word with *** in the middle (referred to a card, not a person).
The support service told me I am not allowed to do that even if I self censor it. Fine, I’ll accept it.

I don’t want to risk by testing what happens if I write the c word tamsin likes a lot, but it would be a nice experiment :rofl:

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I too want more varied emotes! I posted some of these earlier and they are way better than the short nasty ones they have now :frowning:

Try saying the line in the specific characters voice, its 5x more funny!
Illidan: I’m… growls … sorry… yoursoWEAK!
The Thunder King: WHAT?! Sorry?!?.. Hu hu hu…
Deathwing: I destroyed what?.. My bad…
Sylvanus: Sooo sorry… your still Alive…
Dame Hazelbark: Oh my!.. Well apples DO fall…
Lady Vashj: What!..it’s CHAIN lighting, and you are standing in water!
Arranna: Now see? That is why they don’t let me juggle warglaives…
Kurtrus: Why should I be sorry?.. that was a DEMON!
Faelin: I misplaced your what? Wait, wait, who are you again?
Tavish: What yeh leaking at the face fer!? FINE! …The next round is on me…
Dawngrasp: I… did what? That’s… cold… even for me!
Uther: I was blinded by the light, so that one shouldn’t count!
Lazul: So sorry, but you should have seen it coming, like me!
Garona: Whaaaat!, it wasn’t even a king this time!
Rastakhan: Apologies…would a commemorative golden Rezan statue fix this?
Denathrius: A toast! To all those who…(Oh no, I don’t have lethal yet!)…ehem… will let me live till next turn?

And my personal favorite:
Kel’Thuzad: Really!!! This IS my sorry face! Tell them Mr. Bigglesworth!