Draw means Draw the card, not put it in t your hand

I am playing a DK Plague Deck, and the strategy seems to be fill your hand and not draw so the card is destroyed when you Draw. But the fact is, Just cause you have no room in your hand for it DOESNT MEAN YOU DIDNT DRAW IT! Its jsut discarded. They should be taking damage from it BECAUSE THEY DREW THE CARD! FFS ITS BASICS! BUt Clearly, the devs have issue understanding basic game balance. Hence why we see Rogue Mechs.

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In hearthstone draw is the entire process of taking a card from your deck and putting it in your hand.

If your hand is full the card wasn’t draw

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But it was draw. It was pulled from the top of the deck. Putting in yo your hand is a completely separate action. Devs didn’t eat paste, they would get this.

You can’t draw a card if your hand is full. The card is just destroyed in that case. The plague has no effect if it is destroyed immediately.

That is the same reason that for example the deathrattle of “Aegwynn, the Guardian” which gives the next minion you draw a +2 spell damage bonus does not work if your hand is full.

If the hand is full then the minion is destroyed and the deathrattle is not transferred since you didn’t draw a minion.
If the hand is not full then the minion can be drawn and the deathrattle is transferred to this minion.

easier to understand if you imagine someone else is picking up the card and passing it to you. Draw effects happen we have have been handed the card.
If your hand is full, you can take take the card and it is discard/burned.

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But the card is still drawn from the deck. Thats the issue, it says DRAW not put in to hand. It is taken FROM the top of the deck. Thus, the Card is drawn and damage should be delt and reshuffled back in to the deck of Helya was played. This is basic actions. The Card said Draw and the action of DRAW is done.

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No. The card is destroyed, not drawn.

Plagues are “cast when drawn” but you need to be able put a card into your hand in order to draw it.

Here it is explained:


To take a card from the top of your deck is DRAWING the card. Then it goes in to this hand, this is represented in Animations of the card GOING to your hand after you DRAW it from the top of the deck. Destoryed or not AFTER it is drawn, it is still drawn FROM the Deck. This effect should go off.

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To quote the article in the link:

“Overdraw also does not count as card draw for game purposes, since the game never attempts to draw the card into the hand, but rather destroys it since there is no room.”

Imagine it like this: the card is flipped and shown to you before it is destroyed. It is not drawn, just turned around and shown to you.

This is not a new interaction btw, overdraw has been considered as not drawing the card (or discarding it) since the beginning. The interaction is consistent and intuitive, there’s no reason for them to change it.

Overdraw is still a draw and it SHOUILD be changed or the text and animation being “Added to hand”. Its still being drawn, overdraw or not.

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According to literal English language, you are correct.

However, Hearthstone has rules which can alter whatever the literal English says.

So you do have a point.

Unfortunately, as others have stated, that’s simply not how hearthstone rules work.

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Then the Dev’s need to change how it works or change the wording on the cards. That simple.


Idk if they do. As said above, it’s already part of the rules of the game what “Draw” means. What you are wanting for is not a change of rules, not a change of text. And if it is just the text you want changed, well I want all the texts in the game to be standardized (your opponent, the opponent, etc…why all the inconsistencies…) too. But I doubt that’s very high on their list of things to do…different people, different times, different wordings…I think we just have to live with what we’ve got and be understanding as possible.

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The animation is just for our benefit, it doesn’t mean anything. The term overdraw wasn’t a thing to me until I heard it said on a stream. Coming from mtg it was always milling. So when I see the animation you’re talking about, I always imagined the card just being flipped into the graveyard faceup without it ever being drawn.


Imagine if the card was never revealed to anyone and just goes poof. Same end result of no effect, no ability to use whatever it was for the owner, and no idea to either player what was just poofed. Was that a minion? my Titan?! a plague? Black Lotus? Avatar of Woe? A Slither? My 1st Edition Holofoil Base Set Machamp? It is infinitely better we get the face up poof versus the non version. It is greatly satisfying to see someone’s primary treasure in Duels go poof like their Mage prize of destroy their deck and discover instead of draw thingy… seeing that go poof is the absolute best lol irl moment of my life in this game.

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You’re thinking of the rules of the game wrong.

Think of it this way:

If you have 9 or less cards in hand, draw a card. If you have 10 cards in your hand (or MAX if you will since there are cards that increase hand size), discard the top card of your deck.

That is the interaction as it’s always been.