Dragon druid auto concede

I refuse to give you !@#$% any of my time. you deserve all the hate you get.

Why? It’s not the strongest deck out there. Only the golems are a bit annoying if they are buffed to remove.

As a dragon druid player, I’ll gladly accept free wins. And no, I don’t mind that some random strangers on the internet who I’ll probably never meet in real life are hating me. Their hate has absolutely no impact on my life. However, it does have a negative impact on theirs.


I appreciate going up against dragon druid. It’s one of my better matchups.

The most baby deck this patch wasn’t that, it’s clearly drilling rogue.

Lol unlimited leggos by round 5; I don’t even believe the Devs did it on purpose this time; it’s so ludicrously spammy that I bet they accidentally left it in the game and then had crippling embarrassment to admit it wasn’t on purpose.

Odyn Warrior says Hi.

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Cheap deck to obliterate dragon druid: Death Knight True Blood, put in the 5-mana spells and the 8-mana minion that destroys ALL the minions on the field, and put in Reno Hero so you can do that damage at the end of the game!!

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Have you tried playing that deck? It is really fun!

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I play mage, warrior, some paladin and occasionally shaman. NO interest in the others.