Double health of all cards and make = to attack

What were the devs thinking?
How do you even defeat a warrior when all their cards do btween 17 and 25 damage and they also have cards that pull a bunch of cards from their deck and put thm in the battlefield.
How do i defend against this?

You complain against a ton of decks always asking how you defend against it, yet never you thought that maybe you could defend against these decks by playing one of them ?

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Madam, I made a deck to defeat robot roges because out of 100 games 90 of them were robot roges.
As soon as I made my anti- robot roge deck the AI refused to pit me against robot roges.
Just like that. Almost 100% of all games were robot roges which I could not defeat and then Zero robot roges for 100 games and put me up against giants and stuff which my robot roge anti deck was useless against.
If the AI is wrigging the games then how do I beat this?
The devs need to stop the wrigging and just toss names in a hat and put people up against eachother.
Do you agree the AI examines your cards and the potential opponets cards before a match and then can determine the winner or loser?

Try making multi-purpose decks, maybe.
A priest with two symbols pretty much cancels a mech deck, and you have 28 other cards to build with.

Can you write RogUe please? Roge make me sick :smile::smile:

Everything in that reply is off-topic, I won’t answer