Double class Arena

Is this now permanent? Like we did not have enough randomness they just want it more! They ruined Arena which was already in a bad state due to random effects…

Can we get one mode that is not purely based on random effects?

Arena itself is a brutally random format. You get completely random cards and you’re supposed to make a constructed deck out of them; the biggest problem is that you can’t reliably keep any synergy card unless it only refers to cards you already have; i.e. you are forced to mostly get dull cards that are powerful without any synergy/combo involvement.

They should scrap it and make a semi-constructed format; have at least half the cards being already synergistic and of a certain type; even a format that lets you choose randomly between netdecks would be way better.

Yes, but i play arena lets say regularly, and like you said, you should draft cards that are strong on their own, without need to combo it with other cards. But what i experience are insane combos in more than 50% of games. Feel like duel mode again where you were just aiming to hit combo and you win.

That’s mathematically very likely to see and I’ll explain why. IF IT HAPPENS that they draft something amazing then they will have good win rate, and if they have good win rate they will play a lot of games(because of the many wins) so they will be seen more.

So you want to say that the best decks in arena are combo decks? And everyone should aim to get combo, and they will consistently draw that combo in most of the arena games they play? Thats mathematically what youve said.

I agree that Arena has often been in a bad place for a long time, but the devs have been improving the format, so these days, I would say that Arena is getting better, not worse.

I have had a lot of fun with dual-class Arena, and I hope this new dual-class Arena season proves to be fun as well.

Hm, ok. Maybe its just me hating dual class Arena so i notice old problem with rng. :person_shrugging:

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No you didn’t get it. You may lose a lot trying to do that, but the few who achieve it will play a lot of games and you will see those decks a lot; your failed decks will not be seen a lot; they will expire on 3 losses fast.

Ok, but how do you explain that it happens in majority. I worte that and you replied on it when you said it is math…

But they may be the majority of GAMES (not the majority of decks). Say you do 12 wins because you got an amazing meta deck. That’s already FIVE TIMES the games compared to 3 losses of bad decks; fivefold the people that will see the deck; it will be seen for more than fivefold the time too since winners tend to not lose fast.

So if you have small number of amazing decks where you can hit amazing combo every game, only that will cause me experince majority of games against those kind of combos? I am having hard time udnerstanding your math cause everything you said is leading me towards low number of games with insane combos and i am telling you i experience more.

I might be weird, but I love this Arena. I less than half of the classes, so I can combo something each time like this and get at least some of the class I actualy play.
Not to mention the creativity with combos I get.


I find it funny sometimes too; especially when priest is involved with something that never has “priest” cards; e.g. a warrior duplicating their big taunts.

But more often than not the Format just annoys me how very interesting cards have to be just dropped because you can’t do the synergy they want.

I’d prefer it’s put in the backburner and make a new SEMI-random format; have some synergy there; let us choose the other half of the deck etc.

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Why would be wierd. We just do not love the same things. Like i said, i have a feel of duels mode where you either hit combo and win or not and lose. 0 skills needed. Hate when every single mode is based on rng.

Think they are making it like this on purpose cause they think it is more enjoyable and fun, but for me it can be frustrated. But if i am in minority, they are doing it right way…