Doomkin in Druid is too oppressive and has no counter-play

It’s a similar role, but it’s not the same. Druid is able to play Doomkin multiple times over and over, not just twice. I’ve seen it played 5 times in a row thanks to Marin. Warlock used it more for a stall for a turn or two at best. Druid is using it for like a 4-6 turn stall.

Furthermore, Doomkin is now allowing Druid to just completely hold an opponent to about 5 mana while it sits at 10. Then, you add in the neutrals of Yogg/Zilliax/Marin which allow the Druid to maintain 100% control over the fight from there on out because the opponent cannot play their Yogg/Zilliax/Marin.

When the nerfs hit, this exacerbated the issue. Now the cards are even 1 more mana away for the opponent to play, and practically zero effect on Druid.

It’s as if the entire other classes got a nerf and Druid didn’t. At the heart of it all, this is the problem.

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The whole druid deck has been lying dormant just waiting for the perfects storm to allow it to rise. Marin and the last nerfs basically gave it the perfect meta to emerge into. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming though. Those big ticket neutral minions do this so often in druid it’s kind of funny.

I really hope the new set just invalidates the decks power on release. Nerfing the deck will be tricky.


This druid deck is making this game not fun.

Dorian isn’t the problem. If anything it’s smart to play doomkin first because it puts them ahead and you behind, and that sets them up for a better Dorian turn so to speak. If anything I have hardly faced a druid that greedily drops Dorian right when they hit 6 mana… it’s far too risky considering the amount of removal is in the game.

Honestly the fact that Dorian allows for them to play multiple copies anyways as your posts states, only solidifies the fact that doomkin is the big outlier here. In a perfect world where doomkin doesn’t exist, and my opponent drops dorian and draws into 1 cost cards at least I am in a better situation (or should be) to deal with it to some degree because I have at most 6 or more mana. In a versus match against Combo druid, you are kept at 3-4 mana which isn’t much leeway in terms of being able to do anything impactful to stay in the game.

They aren’t wasting a turn when they are already a turn ahead. That’s the problem. There’s literally no reason not to play Doomkin in a Druid deck that can ramp.

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agreed, card was fine (and dare I say it, a fun risk) before Splish Splash and Malf’s Gift

oh this post got necro’d :skull:

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You seem not to understand tgat doomkin is so good in this deck because the dragons provide you with ramp and crazy stats in board very early. Ehich meand you can play doomkin to kinda seal the deal. If you have no tempo playing doomkin on an empty board does nothing.

Doomkin should be Warlock only, it’s clearly not a Druid themed card at all. Without ramp it becomes far less oppressive, and just another typical dirty Warlock trick. Should probably be 5 mana to actually make it playable for Warlocks though.

I really really like this list, it is a very skill intensive deck probably more skill intensive than excavate rogue to be honest, a lot of decisions with this deck

Edit: my only problem is that i cant play it while doing projects

It’s almost as if core set changes due to rotation make a difference in the strength of expansion set cards! Dark sorcery indeed.


The deck will only get better next expansion. The two ambient lightspawns are by far the weakest cards in the deck. Cut those 2 cards for these and the deck will become MUCH stronger. And its already deadly in the right hands. Those are the only changes I’m going to make in the upcoming expansion. The other 28 are set in stone. The priest set is bad and theres no way the tourist will make hunter cards worth adding. Just cut the 2 ambient lightspawns for these powerhouses and win a lot of game. Like… a LOT a lot of games. Nyehehe.

Legendary · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Get a 2-Cost Cheese that summons three 1-Cost minions. It upgrades each turn.
Legendary · Minion · Perils in Paradise · At the end of your turn, upgrade your Eruptions. Battlecry: Shuffle 5 Eruptions in your deck.

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That cheese Dragon is just a good card overall. If you drop it on curve it’s going to be very powerful.

One of the worst to play against cards ever. At worst it should take unlocked crystals so you don’t get punished for playing cards. But it does that too. Just horrific game design.

Druid = Dead class in standard currently.


And there was much rejoicing.


I understand very well why it is so oppressive. Even so, that doesn’t mean the mechanic in itself isn’t toxic.

Splish Splash gets temp removed, druids stop playing.

Splish Splash gets a slight nerf, druids once again play this time with Innervate.

Its t6 for them, its t4 for us normies. They play Doomkin #1 they now have 7 mana we have 3.

Next turn they play second doomkin, they now have 8 mana we now have 3.

Turn after the Rheastraza drops and the infinite value generator begins.

Very fun, very interactive. Much wow

Tommorow, they will get a new spell that gives them 3 additional mana crystals.

So if a t5 Rhea / Marin isn’t already strong, now they have mana for days even after playing the high cost cards.

Dude you know Rhea is a highlander card so they can’t play double doomkin xD. You need to start checking your nonsense complains before posting xD

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Sure they can.

Now its on you to figure out just how. hint the 2nd Doomer costs 1.

Just had to deal with 20+ mana of cards on turn 6 while my mana was stolen twice. Never really got to play the game. The dev team will never learn that mana cheating will always lead to an unpleasant experience. I think we are at a point where they just do not care about a good game at all.