Doomkin in Druid is too oppressive and has no counter-play

The druid has 6 mana. You spend ANY mana and next turn not only do they gain 1, but you also lose 1, creating a huge swing. Next turn another Doomkin. Druid-10, you-5. Now you’re supposed to try to win a game where you play 5 mana worth of cards, while they spend 10 mana. Make it make sense.

Can’t use any comeback cards (Hollow Hound in my case, rainbow handbuff dk).

Okay so you might say in order to counter Doomkin, just don’t spend any mana. Well, so now you don’t play the game and let them beat you. That’s it.

And then you say if they play 2 Doomkin then the math says that hardly ever happens. It happens way too often. And 2 Doomkin is an instant win. Wow. Way to go.

Doomkin just pushes the other player out of the game.

Is this being looked at? Like, at all?


Something something class identity: do more things than you always.

Same ramp trash new version. Just druid being what its always been.

Gets even more fun when they copy doomkin so you get to stay at 4-5 mana all game. They also have a 0 mana titan so they can spend 20.mana if they feel like it.

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I am fine with druid being able to ramp, but letting them ramp as well as putting you behind at the same time? Doesn’t feel right at all. If anything doomkin is the perfect example of going against player agency. What kind of agency do I have if I am kept at 3-4 mana for a couple of turns that severely puts me behind? it’s an extremely toxic card I was hoping would not see itself in a tier 1 deck, but alas here we are.

Here’s hoping there’s some resolution to this deck before Peril’s in Paradise releases. Otherwise I am going to take a break from standard for a good while until next expansion.


Doomkin should really only exist in a meta where Druid doesn’t have any other ramp or very limited ramp.


But then how will Druid stay at the top for the 10th year in a row?

Doomkin in Druid is oppressive and has no counter-play

Puppet Theatre

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seeing people reacting to doomkin a year after its release wont stop being funny (even more whenever i see dorian isnt named on the OP rant)

for me is more about dorian than doomkin every single time i saw more 2 doomkin being played on the same turn was because of dorian

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Uuuhh, yeah, because Doomkin was practically not played before the current Druid. It had a brief appearance in Sargeras Warlock (and it barely had any impact in that deck) and that’s about it. It’s not like it is a first time in history when card becomes problematic months after being released.

It’s another “Is it Shadowreaper or Raza’ fault”. It’s both, the more Doomkins you play the better, Dorian allows you to play more Doomkins. Simples.


Ah, we got here an “ackshually guy”.

On a more serious note: most classes cannot play Puppet Theatre and Priest is highly unfavoured against Druid so yeah.

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I can’t say I agree with this. I made legend on the third day of the month playing a custom priest deck. I faced around 45% druids on the climb to legend and didn’t struggle much. My priest deck still has a positive win rate at high legend. I started at 250 rank but I haven’t had time for more than a couple games a day since then, so now I’m sitting around the 1500 ish mark because of inactivity. Still, I did my dailys this morning and went 7 for 2. 5 wins versus druid, 2 losses versus druid, and a win versus a reno warrior and an excavate rogue.

I build my own decks. I don’t play meta. Reno priest is bad right now, but priest has other options and what I’m doing is better. My deck isn’t for everyone. It’s not that complicated to figure out, but the optimal line of play isn’t always obvious because there’s a lot of different ways you can combine the overheal cards and effects and only so many overheal procs available.

Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Crimson Clergy
2x (1) Fan Club
2x (1) Funnel Cake
2x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp
2x (2) Hidden Gem
2x (2) Scale Replica
2x (3) Careless Crafter
2x (3) Heartthrob
2x (3) Injured Hauler
1x (3) Pip the Potent
2x (4) Ambient Lightspawn
1x (4) Heartbreaker Hedanis
2x (4) Puppet Theatre
1x (5) Timewinder Zarimi
2x (5) Workshop Janitor
2x (6) Clay Matriarch
1x (7) Aman’Thul



Data is not plural from anecdote. It is possible that you build a deck that beats Druid easily but it might be also your personal experience that is not repeatable in the wider meta. People like Kibler or Danehearth might get 60%+ WR with homebrew decks but there is a reason that those decks generally do not become widely played.

But I guess I am just preaching to the choir since you say about as much yourself. Congrats on a successful homebrew, mate.


Puppet Theater is NOT a counter, as it’s a Priest only card. So saying that’s a counter is rather senseless. Even if you do (as a priest), copy their splish splash whelp (which is useless if you don’t have another dragon in hand) or doomkins, that doesn’t negate the fact that they still have a severe mana advantage over you and you just basically used your puppet theater charges just to TRY to keep up instead of nabbing some really high value minion. Trust me, I’ve tried to do this with priest vs druid and it doesn’t turn out any better. Specially when they end up playing 3 or 4 doomkins anyways, often for just 1 mana at that.

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“Hi, im your typical bluzzard employee. We love your pain and suffering”

“You also might be wondering how people can show up in our other games and still somehow drop walls of N-bombs in open chats”

“ya thats us”

“we need villains that look like people we are exterminating so we create them”

“Anyways, thanks for the laughs and billions… Dummies”


It is though.

Not sure who they are, but if they perform well it’s cuz they know what they’re doing with they homebrew decks. If people choose not to use whatever decks those people are using then that’s on those people. Then those people complain that the netdecks they are using aren’t performing perfectly.

Ramp into doomkin makes it feel like you don’t get a chance to play the game. It’s definitely one of the worse ways to lose.


Sure you wond 4 mana and half a card to get back the mana they stole and not copy unkilliax, marin, yogg, eonar or any of the really problematic cards.

Hows that working out for you?

Ackshually, Data is plural, definitionally. Datum is singular.

I wrote:

Data is not plural from anecdote

and not:

Data is not plural.

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What’s interesting to note here doomkin was never run in anything except wheel Warlock before this, afaict, correct me if I am wrong.

Doom kin in wheel Warlock played almost exactly the same role it does in druid but far less effective and only playable in the Brann warrior matchup. However when it was played against Brann warrior it was a near guaranteed win.

What’s crazy here is that it sees play in nearly every matchup druid plays, and it plays the same role, it’s going to be just as oppressive as it was when it was used in wheel lock in that one slow matchup (Brann warrior.)

That tells me that dragon druid has so much tempo it can literally afford to waste an entire turn just to drop a doomkin, which is just bonkers broken. That also tells me to nerf this deck your going to have to nerf it hard cause it’s so far ahead.


Obligatory erratum:

You may have heard the phrase the plural of anecdote is not data. It turns out that this is a misquote. The original aphorism, by the political scientist Ray Wolfinger, was just the opposite: The plural of anecdote is data.

And yes, that is exactly what data is :blush: