Don't let the fast attack disappear

Firstly, as a civilian fast attack player, what I want to say is that fast attack is the last dignity of civilian players. I know there are many fun combinations, but I don’t have enough money to pay for those decks.

I don’t know why the official is considering increasing the probability of drawing expensive cards from the fast attack deck. In short, I hope the official will treat civilian fast attack players well.

english please :S…or french(although french is prob not alloted on an english forum)

“civilian fast attack” doesn’t make any sense
“civilian player” wut ?
"increase probability of drawing “expensive” cards from the “fast attack deck” …
dont make sense either but that last one i can make out “they gonna rig the game” in your words

they wont mess with the algorythm…and drawing legendaries doesn’t increase win rate if its not in hand at the right time//ain’t what you need vs your opponent

I could also translate your words, if you write them in German

Fast attack i think is an attempt at the term “quickdraw”? perhaps?

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By “civilian” I think he means peasant or proletarian, & I think by “fast attack” he means aggro.

It’s the same old p2w conspiracy theory / whine.

Maybe Aggro deck? :thinking::man_shrugging:t2::laughing: