Don't dust your wild cards (very serious)!

horse has bolted on that one, unless they allow me to recraft them at a reduced cost ?

Cool, if you have no issue with an incomplete deck then you can take out two cards and suddenly the price plummets to 2k.

On the whole though, decks are updated with far fewer cards. With each set you might have to craft 2-3 cards for a given Wild deck, while in Standard there are archetypes that suddenly appear out of nowhere (see: Galakrond decks) and necessitate the construction of a new deck.

I’m not trying to sell Wild, but did want to point out the fact that if you compare budget decks between formats, there isn’t much difference in crafting cost. The steeper costs only really begin to show when you get to Highlander decks or similar control variants, and even then there isn’t much of a discrepancy.

Compare, for example, the most popular Standard Highlander Mage:

And the most popular Wild Highlander Mage:

The two have nearly identical costs, and while I wouldn’t expect to convince someone to suddenly shift to Wild based on this (as you mentioned, the out-of-pocket cost of crafting a deck from scratch is steep), I would expect this to encourage players to save some of their more viable Standard cards after rotation rather than just dusting them immediately.

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I don’t play incomplete decks either man.

What I mean is I own all of the relevant cards in standard so I can play whatever the hell I want

That’s impossible to do in wild.
It’s nothing to do with the dust cost of the deck.
It’s the size of the card pool.
I don’t ever have to CRAFT complete decks because I open packs from a very limited card pool and only keep the good ones.

That isn’t feasible in wild.
You have to build your deck and then craft it. And you have no flexibility in deck building once you have spent your dust and the only benefit to playing the format is you get to keep your deck “forever” but it will obsolete in the meta in 6 months.

Ofocurse anyone can go into wild and play basic mage at rank 20 for free
Have fun with that

I agree… it only has intrinsic value for Wild players, not for Standard players.

Does granting temporary access to those cards harm the integrity of the game? Like they did for the limited time event when everyone got temporary copies of old Legendaries? That’s another option for how this potential issue could be mitigated for Standard only players.

If it does not have any impact on the Standard mode of play, then that’s fine. But the vague and cryptic comments thus far from Blizzard suggest that it might. If Wild sets are rotated into the Standard format, Standard only players shouldn’t be penalized.

How so? If it’s only effective during limited time events, I don’t see the problem. But if it becomes an opportunity for people to jump into Wild, I can see how some people might feel bad about it, even if people were paying back the DE dust they originally got for the card. On the other hand, if it gets more people to try the Wild mode and increase that population, maybe that’s a good thing?

You know what they say about the word assume, right? You really are jumping thru hoops if you believe the comment means that standard, as it exists now, is gonna be changed.

Nowhere have they indicated that standard will be changed to incorporate rotated cards other than in your head.

If you can show me where your concern, based one what we know, then I will support you. I am not seeing what you are.

Most likely mew FORMAT is a 12 win, 3 loss one which you can choose your deck from - Brawliseum - not the one you are imagining.

What I’m saying is that they’ve been completely cryptic about it and that based on that statement and the recent introduction of old cards into the Standard game for a limited time event, it’s possible that they might open Standard up to some Wild cards. I never said they would or would not do this. Only that they might. YOU are the one who made an unequivocal claim that it would NOT happen. Where in that Blizzard statement do you see anything to support that very definitive claim (complete with many exclamation points)?

Lets address the “might” when its announced. You are putting the cart before the horse. There is no indication that they are changing standard to include wild cards anywhere other than in your head at this point in time.

The comment is clearly, to anyone who uses logic, in regards to a NEW format, not altering a existing one.

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Well, perhaps some better communication from Blizzard would help clarify. But I’d rather have the discussion now, while things are still in development, so the developement team can understand the feelings of the customers. What’s wrong with having a discussion?

seemed very clear to me that the NEW mode will be similar to arena BUT with using your own collection

no, you don’t! :rage:

The intrinsic value of the card hasn’t changed because of the implementation of Standard.

within the boundaries of Standard and (very) limited-time access, no. have fun with your cool but temporary cards.

I think Standard will always be Standard. if they choose to make use of rotated cards it will be through an alternate format with a different set of rules. I would also like to make clear that disenchanting cards should be considered as self-inflicted damage and doing so was entirely optional.

I strongly believe that preserving the value of the collection or a card is of the utmost importance.

first! I think you may have moved the goalposts a little, but ill take a shot.

reducing the crafting cost to d/e value grants one infinite access to all disenchanted cards for free, in essence. so that would be the exploit. and even though this is a boon for long term players, your suggestion wipes away the intrinsic value of these cards and permanently damages the integrity of the game.

Second, why would a “Standard only” player disenchant their standard legal cards for Wild cards that rotate in for short periods of time? that just doesn’t make sense. sounds very expensive, actually and ultimately delegitimizes Standard as we know it today as a format.

if they want to bring in rotated cards back to Standard for very short periods of time as a way to showcase the cards and some cool interactions then I see no problem with granting “Standard only” players very limited access to these cards without paying for them.

Where did you see that? I’m just going from what was quoted in the original post.

For a Standard player, the intrinsic value of a rotated card is it’s dust value. For a Wild player the value is obviously more.

Like what they did before in that event where Ragnaros and other cards were brought back. You’re good with that approach?

Perhaps you’re right. We’ll see. Hopefully Blizzard will communicate a little more on this issue.

I agree that this would be a problem. One could effectively just swap out dusted cards on a whim. It would need to be isolated to the cards that are part of whatever hypothetical limited time event is implemented.

Yeah… that was my second option. And probably the better (and simpler) overall approach. If Standard were to bring in, say, The Grand Tournament set, we could be given non-dustable access to all the cards of that set for the duration of that event. Maybe it could something they do just for the last 3 or 4 weeks of the expansion just to liven things up a little.

Where did you see that standard was being changed to incorporate wild cards in the OP?

They already said an arena like constructed format was in the works, most likely 12 wins - 3 losses. Its far more reasonable to assume that is the format they were talking about, than changing standard to incorporate rotated cards.

I didn’t. I only said that it was unclear and leave a lot open to interpretation and speculation. It might be something like rotating in old sets, similar to what they did before.

You are the one who made an unequivocal pronouncement.


… which they’ve actually already done before. Seems reasonable they might want to try it again. And perhaps even go a bit further.

You are making assumptions. There is absolutely no indication that they are changing standard, that’s all in your head.

I’m not making assumptions. I’m speculating. We are all just speculating. Based on limited information. But based on that limited information, I’m providing some feedback and comment. Why do you have such a problem with that?

I have never gotten rid of any non-duplicate. Been playing for more than 4 years and play a fair amount of wild so never thought to do away with old expansions.

No,you’re making assumptions. You are assuming that standard is gonna be changed, despite the fact that nothing said indicates it.

I’ve been around since Blackrock Mountain meta - and I always had a suspicion that at one point they would bring back the old sets again. So yes, I have all my wild cards. And while I have no where near a complete collection… I have pretty much every card I need to make all the Wild Meta decks. So I am in good shape going forward.

nice! this is one of the features I have been asking for for a couple of years now. More ways to utilize my wild cards without having to play that clustermuck of a format that is now wild.

To be fair wild isn’t cancer if you play in the low ranks.

If you’re in for a Legend climb then it becomes cancerous.