Don't dust your wild cards (very serious)!

Well, sure, if its across the board. But if its only for those who irrationally dusted without foresight being compensated to compete in a new format, the nope.

But lets be realistic, if they didnt compensate anything for introducing formats when they said no formats in HS at or before launch (was a long time ago), then the chances of them compensating for this is highly unlikely.

I can see an argument for a bit of a reduction in crafting costs for rotated cards, thinking 25% discount on wild only cards would be sufficient to start with, but people wanting 400 dust legends??? No way! You made your bed, lie in it!

It isn’t because you can choose to keep the staples of the Year of the Raven. Dust the other cards, if you want to.

Like, don’t disenchant Zilliax. Seriously.

Oh but you know some people will dust Zilliax. That’s a given.

He sees play in multiple wild tier 1 decks, that’s how good Zilly is. But some people will still have the nerve to dust him.

Actually be a long time standard player not means you dust your old cards you know…

I think of it more as an bad habit of the playerbase because let’s be fair:

Common cards net only 5 dust when dusted.
rares net you 20 if i remember.

So what are you really getting?

Around maybe 2K to 4K for an entire collection of low rarity cards?

Sorry but dust cards NEVER was a good thing in my opnion to a point that even have the cards just as collectionable stuff would still be more value than dust the cards because of the nostalgy feeling of look at they.

That is how little value you get at my point of view and it did take a ton of time to blizzard notice this and start to act towards it.

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Minimal dust is still dust enough to get me closer to a tier 1 deck in standard to be able to push into higher ranks for better end results from the chest.
Everyone who was responsible enough to keep their collection gets the satisfaction of rubbing it in all of our faces. When you’re done with that, come up with a solution that helps players into wild.

Or don’t.

So your ideology is/was to dust your wild cards at a 80% loss in order to get a better seasonal chest ?

That doesn’t make sense since you’re losing a lot more value in the end.

Seasonal rewards are a total joke.


Yes, I made a mistake. And clearly you’re not reading properly. As it’s a former ideological value and not a current one.

I’m saying that was what my line of reasoning was when I was dusting my previous wild cards. I wanted to play more standard decks and did not have the gold, cash or dust to make the deck i wanted to play in standard.

Except that there are many decks you can do just by actually opening packs and many of they work.


Maybe it is the mindset of hearthstone main audience but if you actually stay dusting everything how exactly you plan to have an bigger collection over the time?
Your own mindset stop you from actually enjoy anything other than standard and even makes it difficult for blizzard to design anything that isn’t standard.

That is exactly why blizzard did already take to much time to talk about this subject to players.
That should have been a day 1 subject after day 1 of standard rotation back in the year of the kraken.

As a player i need to say this is were the old hearthstone team failed the most.
They should have been always here telling people to NOT DUST CARDS ON ROTATION.

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Read the text. ITS A NEW FORMAT being referenced!!! Standard is NOT being changed!!!

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This forum is exactly for helping players to keep themselves from dusting their collections and for that purpose alone, it’s a commendable post.

What does it do to help players who don’t have wild cards on hand or who dusted them previously? If you dont want a larger player base for wild or a different wild format then say “nothing.” Plenty of people have.
If you want more players in wild and you want more players for the format, then you need to help them into that by giving them options to get into it.

It’s fine if a person does choose to disenchant Zilliax - it is their choice in the end. If they never end up playing Wild, then sure. That’s a firm commitment.

The ones who decide they want to play Wild a year or 2 later, suck it up, and just mention they needed to recraft legendaries and get their decks, welcome! Enjoy Wild too!

It’s the ones who end up wanting to play Wild, or saying they want to but can’t and complain about Wild being so expensive having to craft X legendary, which they actually did own at one point. There’s a bunch of those people out there.

Like c’mon, seriously. I’ll be sympathetic to most of the Wild disenchanters, but not these ones.

But it’s never too late. You can make a different this rotation by choosing to keep a few cards. And especially with the knowledge that a new game mode is coming in 4 months that could potentially use Wild cards.

Actually wild itself is pretty cheap to enter.

Cheaper than standard i can say. That is the main problem here.

It is so cheap that it is actually gross to tell that anyone needs “help” to start to enter it. There are decks around there for prices like:

2K dust.

Even budget standard decks normally cost more.

What happens here for wild is a ton of dumb people comming talk about a mode they not even have any idea about how it works and calling problems just because it isn’t an copy of standard scaring new potential wild players away.

I could even go further and say that wild is the perfect place for a new player because:

1. Rotation not matters
You not have to care about anual rotation and by consequence you play whatever you can at the momment.

2. It has decks for all wallets

We have both extremely cheap decks for new players and extremel expensive decks for who like exotic stuff.

3. People consider it less competitve:
It means you really play against far weaker decks at lower ranks than you do at standard.

Bonus: If you’re new you have no standard for what is “to ridiculous”. So new players actually not get as disgusted as players on those forums when they play against decks like big priest.

It not matters for what direction you look. It delivers a better new player experience than standard in every single aspect and blizzard should stop to force they at standard.


Here’s what was posted:

That refers to “future things we’re planning” and “games modes potentially linked to older parts of your collection”. That could refer to Standard mode potentially being linked to Wild cards. If Standard mode is going to remain completely unchanged, then fine. But I’ve seen rumors that Standard mode will be rotating in and out one old Wild set each month. That would be a change to Standard that would leave Standard only players at a disadvantage. However, if they granted temporary access to that Wild set for the duration of the season, then that’s fine since it would eliminate that disadvantage.

Further, that original quote suggests that Blizz were never really concerned about people dusting “obsolete” cards. When they talk about not wanting players to disenchant cards, they said, “That’s a new mentality for us.” Now if this means NEW Wild modes that make use of Wild cards to help freshen up the game for those players who play Wild, then that’s great! But if it means Standard only players are penalized for doing for years what Blizzard has implied is perfectly fine, then they ought to provide reasonable relief.

I’m not interested in playing Wild. But I do enjoy Standard. If Standard modes begin to incorporate the need for Wild cards, even on a limited basis, then they ought to provide a reasonable avenue for players to acquire or gain use of those cards without penalty. Whether it’s a buyback at DE cost or granting temporary copies like they did before, they ought to do something.

What intrinsic value is there in holding onto a rotated card? If I don’t play Wild, what intrinsic value does a Wild card have for me other than the dust value?

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I am never ever going to invest in wild.
The game is too expensive. Look at how many people have spent over $1000 on this game.
I got no issue with that honestly but because of that price tag most players are left with their ONLY realistic option being to aggressively dust trash cards and wild cards to keep up with the game.

IF you played the game from the start and planned out your collection very patiently then yeah, wild is an option on a low budget.

But Blizz knows that wild is a lost cause for 90% of the playerbase and they are not stupid enough to focus a large update around it or push people back into wild and punishing them for dusting cards with no warning.


The highlander decks are definitely more expensive and some are genuinely absurd (my recent Galaxy Mage variant clocked in around 30k. yikes). On the whole though, the price of a given Wild deck isn’t that much different from Standard. Secret Mage for example is one of the most powerful decks in the format and only costs around 5k dust, and Mech Paladin (another of the best decks) is only 3.4k (mind you, 1.6k of that is Zilliax which most players should have regardless of format at this point). If you know what you’re doing you can definitely play the format on the same budget as you would Standard.

Even Shaman is still one of the cheapest and most powerful decks in Wild.
And so is Secret Mage (depending on the build). Budget versions still work fantastically.
Also Handbuff Mech Paladin.

I’m pretty tempted to dust this golden Duskfallen Aviana. I’m not sure you can talk me out of it. Feel free to try though!

The value lies in owning the card; not having to recraft a card saves you 35-1200 dust or some money. Admitting this affects “Standard only” players is an acknowledgment of this so I’m not even sure why you would ask. Furthermore, adjusting the price of cards harms the integrity of the game and goes against the spirit of CCGs.

Besides, the implementation of new modes that make use of Wild cards shouldn’t matter to those that declared themselves Standard only players, and reducing the crafting cost to d/e value is just too easy to exploit.

The biggest thing about Wild is that Synergy Creep means half the cards that are playable are usually the ones within the past one or two years. Many decks have a bunch of standard cards being filled with Wild replacements.

Mech Paladin is just a mix of Boomsday cards with maybe a third of the cards being GvG or MSoG.

Quest Mage is literally Highlander with Reno Jackson, Open the Waygates, Arcane Giant, and a few other cheap staples. The rest of them are still technically Standard cards.

You don’t have to go back in time to dig out collections from 4-5 years ago using 30,000 dust worth of cards. Most top tier decks use 2-5 Legendary cards that also branch across other viable decks (like Zephrys being neutral and heavily used in like 4 decks, or Reno Jackson being a staple for all Highlander builds).

If you guys literally waited a year or two of Standard Play, you would have a big enough collection to just jump right into Wild while crafting the remaining cheap holes for T1 decks. Instead you burn years worth or product into a pigeonholed game mode where you complain about the same 5 decks being played over and over.


I don’t wanna netdeck a budget deck and craft it from scratch.
I’ve never crafted a full deck,
“Only 5k dust”
Takes months to earn 5k dust man and that is with my current strat of aggresively dusting everything I don’t see myself using in the next 6 months.

And as another guy in the thread admitted. Wild is not a place where you go to play old decks from 3 years ago without updating them. Because of the power creep you still need to keep buying new cards to play wild.

If you’re best wild selling point is “craft budget mech pally”
I’l pass