Maybe they should re haul there garbage dust system if they don’t want people to resort to dusting.
No, I’m speculating, based on limited information, that Standard might have some events that include Wild cards. And then I’m offering some feedback that IF that is the case, they should provide relief for Standard only players to not be penalized for having dusted their “obsolete” Wild cards (and offered two suggestions as to how they might achieve that relief).
An acknowledgment of “not having to recraft a card saves you 35-1200 dust or some money” as a true statement is good enough for me.
Inevitably, changing the rules of that which Standard adheres to creates a new format. It makes no sense to have a regularly rotating Wild set come into Standard. That just wouldn’t be Standard anymore, it would be something different.
If you want Standard (as we know it today) to remain a legitimate format then we cant have Wild cards rotating in regularly. I’m not opposed to special events in the least, but the frequency of these events should be considered for the sake of those that only want to play Standard. These special events should probably be for very short periods. How often? I’m not sure.
How long did that event last when they brought back Ragnaros and other cards?
2 months.
And sincerely I personally not liked that event.
Not get me wrong but the duration wasn’t the only fail in that event but also the fact that the cards weren’t meant for it.
It was obvious that at some point of it an player would go over blizzard expectations and find inbalance.
I agree that would be a bit too long. I think the best time frame for that should be with 3 -5 weeks left in the expansion when the meta’s gotten really stale (inb4 the staleness sets in after 2 weeks lol).
edited for clarity
Never played a game of wild; hard to believe there’s any “achievement” that would make it worth playing.
My wild collection is my only real collection. All the cards in standard can’t even make a single deck, but I have at least 1 or 2 I can make in wild. Never dusted Rag or Sylcanas because those were and are still the best cards I have.
At the end of the day, I only like Standard and Battlegrounds. Sometimes even the occasional Brawl where decks can use wild cards, but it’s been the same way for me since my Magic days. I don’t care about older formats where there are seriously some busted card interactions. Which would be fine if it was just one deck that people could tech against, but in old formats, it’s impossible to shore up your deck to stand a decent chance at every degenerate thing out there so you’re literally just putting together your degenerate deck and praying you don’t run into the one that hard counters yours. I can’t think of a single good format they could introduce that would make me keep my wild cards.
minami said 2 months
It’s been confirmed once again in the AMA…
This message really feels like :
Instead of dez your wild cards, buy the new expansion everytime to be able to keep up with the meta.
Give us money instead, it’s better !
If they really wanted people to keep their wild collection et be competitive in standard everytime, they’d lower the “price” to craft new cards or give people half dust value of their card.
Right now, you have to decimate your wild collection everytime a new exp is out if you want to have a few competitive decks without putting too much money in the game.
Or you can play both formats and transition to Standard once you accumulate enough cards to build a Standard deck.
The only difference between Standard and Wild is the card pool. In terms of value, the more you use cards, the better the value it has. If I use a card that I actively play with for three years, that value has far surpassed the cost it took to craft it, and the extra value can be then put into resources like new decks or cards.
This is why the inherent value of Wild is cheaper in the long term. At some point, you will have accumulated enough cards that become Wild where the need to use new cards can be supplemented from gold packs alone. The need for crafting Wild cards for cheaper isn’t necessary. Instead, you play the Standard pool for 1-2 years and eventually those cards become part of the viable Wild Pool.
Half of Cyclone Mage deck used Standard cards before the rotation occured. The only cards that were used in Cyclone Mage that were in Wild before the last 2 years worth of Standard content are Flamewakers, Arcane Giants, and Open the Way gates. For the cost of under 2 legendary cards, you had a top tier Wild deck that lasted half a year as a T1 deck.