Don't dust your wild cards (very serious)!

well yeah. I am aware that companies are purposefully vague. it is still thier fault infact I think that makes customers more justified in being upset.

Alternate formats aren’t for everyone, sure. but that doesn’t invalidate the argument that you made a personal decision when disenchanting those cards, and it doesn’t justify any frustration.

and let’s take a step back for a second because the quote suggests Legacy cards will be used in alternate formats (and achievements), not standard. Standard has its own set of rules.

I get that, but let’s not forget that wild cards cost the same amount as standard cards in real-life currency and in-game currency. your suggestion wipes away any value these cards had. this seems entirely unfair for long term players/collectors and people that spend money on the game.

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But you are forgetting that we already paid the fair value for those cards by buying the original packs in which they were contained or by crafting them with dust. The disenchanting after rotation gave us a discounted dust payout, which I am suggesting we simply repay to get the card back.

Very true. All this is a bit premature, since we don’t know anything about these “alternate” formats. These concerns are simply about the possibility of frustration by some players if they feel “forced” to recraft old Wild cards. Better that these disccussion happen now so the dev team can consider all sides before implementing these new formats.

Remember when they temporarily brought back some Wild cards into Standard. They implemented that by giving everyone a temporary copy of those cards that could not be dusted and that would disappear after the event was over. Do you think that Standard players who had dusted cards like Ragnaros should have been left at a disadvantage (or be forced to recraft all those Wild Legendaries)? Blizzard clearly did not, which is why they granted us those temporary copies.

you’re not considering the original investment made and how your suggestion burns those who opted to hold onto their cards. these cards are now worth a fraction of what they once were for the sake of those that feel excluded, for the decision they (disenchanters :confused:) made!

its a matter of principle and the value in holding onto cards in a CCG.

guess you can consider this as your fair warning if you needed one.

well. it is a CCG. having a collection is part of the game.

Maybe there’s a way to make both sets of players happy.

Those who’ve paid for their collections have their entire sets turned to golden?
Or perhaps they get dust value for their purchases equal to their collection. I’m not saying wild players who’ve made those purchases don’t deserve to have themselves rewarded.

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Hold the horses, “loyal customers” getting their Wild Sets turned golden?

LMAO - and I normally shun these kind of abbrevs.

if you gave everything for free, for what reason would a player choose to play standard, which costs a ton of money per expansion, instead of playing with all the old sets for free ?

Especially if you know what you’re paying for is going to be free.

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I made the same original investment. I simply dusted those cards when they were no longer relevant in Standard for a fraction of their original cost. Now that they may have some value again in some alternate Standard play mode, I’ll give back the dust I received to buy those cards back. You are not impacted at all if I buy back the old Wild cards for what I was refunded.

Yes. They are currently worth less because they are only usable in Wild modes.

There is no value in holding cards that are effectively obsolete in the Standard game mode. If they add value long after the cards have been valueless, it’s reasonable to offer some fair way to reclaim those cards. Giving back the dust we got for them seems pretty fair.

Except that Blizz agreed that it would be unfair to those who dusted all those good cards. So they gave us temporary versions for the duration of the event. If anything, that suggests even more that there’s no risk in dusting Wild cards, since there’s now a precedent set that if we need temporary access to Wild cards, Blizz willl grant it.

But having a collection of cards that cannot be used in the Standard game isn’t really of any interest to many players.

Look, I just can’t imagine they’re going to make thousands of Standard only players have to go out and craft dozen of cards at full price just to be competitive in a hypothetical new alternate Standard mode. The options I’ve suggested are either 1- do what they did before, i.e. give temp cards that are not dustable that expire after the event, OR 2- offer the Wild cards for only repayment of the dust that was granted when they were originally sharded.

I don’t think free necessarily makes sense.

But I think marking down the dust & gold cost of wild cards & packs and classic cards & packs would make a lot of sense. 50% off. That way new players feel good because they’re collecting cards quickly, and older players don’t feel so overwhelmed with the cost and number of cards that need to be collected.

yes, you made a personal decision to do so.

Standard is just Hearthstone with restrictions, also known as an alternate mode. the value of the cards has never changed since the implementation of Standard.


by saying this you imply that at some point you have owned every card that now graces Wild.

there aren’t many players who have a complete collection, but there are some. they spent valuable resources getting that collection. why should their investment suffer for those who saw no value in holding onto cards?

the cost to own a collection as vast as mine has essentially been flushed away. I feel directly impacted by your suggestion.


true, for players that don’t ever plan to deviate from within the confines of standard.

Let’s not forget that we’re talking about collectible cards here.

you sell something now because you only see immediate value, and ask to buy it back at cost because now that something has greater value? this isn’t reasonable.

there’s a precedent set for Standard, not other formats. if they choose to bring this particular event back to Standard then yea, sure.


lol, is Wild a joke to you now?

Why should you get full compensation? You got use out of the dust you got that people who kept their cards missed out on.

I get the argument. But you’re arguing in the wrong direction.
I’m trying to find a solution that allows newer players the option to get into wild without as much penalty and without taking away from the current wild players. I’m not all for a free Wild experience. I do believe that players who kept their cards and recognized the value in them shouldn’t be dismissed at all.

But I’m not going to be joining Wild any time soon and I can honestly say I doubt any newer players will either. I’m not all too sure if you’re pro or against a larger Wild playerbase for the format but if newer formats are going to be released that also allow more Wild play then I won’t be joining those either and so on and so forth.

See what I mean?

Hmm… right here we’ve got a real disconnect. Standard is the “standard” game. The “normal” mode. The mode around which the vast majority of design decisions are made. Wild is the alternate mode. But let’s move on…

Ok. Now we’re getting somewhere. This is a very fair point. For me to be able to claim that I should be able to buy the Wild cards for the discounted dusting value, you’re saying that I should have to have owned that card at full value at some point and dusted it. Hmm… I’m inclined to agree with that. It might be harder to program, but I think that’s a reasonable restriction. Why should I be allowed to “buy back” a card at the discount if I never had it to dust in the first place? Look at it like I pawned it. I shouldn’t be allowed to go buy Wild card A with the dust I got from sharding Wild card B. I can only buy back the cards I actually dusted. That’s fair.

Again, I’m not seeing how you’re suffering. You’re collection doesn’t change. I’m not getting anything for free, since I still have to give back the dust I got in the first place.

I get that you may feel bad about it. Again, your cards and your collection are the same. But I definitely understand that doesn’t necessarily change how you feel.

A Wild only card is not worth as much as a Standard card because the Standard card can be used in any mode, whereas the Wild card cannot.

Yes. And those are the players I’m talking about. Players who dust all the Wild cards at rotation are players that are only playing Standard.

Sure it is. It had no value for years and years. And suddenly they add value to it. Selling it back at cost is reasonable under the circumstances.

And now I think I am understanding where you are coming from. While I still maintain that the buyback at cost is reasonable and fair, I can understand why it would feel unfair to you if I were to buy back the good Wild cards at cost and then jump into playing Wild. If it were a change to Standard mode where Grand Tournament cards were permitted, you’d be ok if I were granted access to those cards for that mode only. But not if I were jumping into Wild.

No. But it’s not the normal mode around which the game is designed. The game is designed for Standard. It’s the mode that drives the game, drives sales, drives the highest level of competitive play.

I’d be giving it all back. Zero-sum game. Also, you didn’t keep those cards because at some point years into the future, they’d be allowing some Wild cards back into Standard. You kep them because you wanted them.

New format. Standards not gonna change.

I’ve been clear from the start that this is a matter of principle and the value in holding onto cards in a CCG.

up until now, your suggestion was to decrease the crafting cost of any given wild card to be the same as the d/e for players that disenchanted their wild cards. that’s a terrible idea, and that’s what I was arguing against.

I’m sorry if you don’t see this, but there is intrinsic value in holding onto cards in a CCG. I think this is a fundamental principle of CCGs in general. and maybe we should preserve that.


Isn’t it too late for this PSA? The game has been out for 5-6 years and most players already dusted their entire Wild collection.

Blizzard has to take responsibility for that, just refund all the card that players disenchanted with full dust value.

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a bit early for April jokes.

Just dusted most of my high value wild cards to make a golden valen. I think I’ll be happy with my giant pile of dust to spend in the upcoming set.

LOL classic NOC trolling.

But, no. You guys who dust everything that rotates decided you wanted to be standard only players, a new format that incorporates wild cards is not standard. Blizzard is not responsible for your hasty choices to dust it all when considering a new format.

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If they give me dust based on craft value for all my wild cards, I don’t mind.

That’s like a million dust in my case.