Indeed, It comes down to market demand/sentiments vs Dev ability to cater to them.
uhm. no?
they made a personal decision to disenchant their Wild collection for new cards. never once has a dev implied the cards were useless, the community assumed Wild was a card graveyard.
what? so were going to greatly devalue ones collection so these people who already cashed out on their wild cards get to recraft them for d/e value? uhm. yea…
Its an excelent move! I wish their developers to be on same level as their marketing department.
They lure some players to play wild, thus spending money there. Or spending gold there thus leaving them more prone to spend money if their gold and dust is low.
Some players resists the wild mode so they come up with some new mode where wild cards could be used - another chance to lure some players to spend money or resources (even when its for some achievements) thus making them prone to spend money on expansions.
Bloody hell. Thats well done, lads! Looks like our marketing department could take you as an example of how to maximize profit.
even if it’s not justified, people will be upset it was implied wild cards would not be usefull for anything but wild
which does kinda justify ppl getting upset
I was an opponent of the standard/wild split that Blizzard wanted to introduce back then as I predicted wild becoming a toilet for badly balanced cards which in turn would give them more freedom to create badly balanced cards, safe in the knowledge that they wouldn’t ruin the main game for longer than 2 years.
I have been dusting my wild only collection since the day the split came into effect.
It means that I don’t have to spend money at all on this game. Every year I get around 20000-30000 dust to use on standard and I use this dust rather sparingly on the things I want to create (mostly priest stuff). I still have around 18000 dust from the last rotation since last year’s rotation was a bumper dust crop.
I don’t really feel comfortable propping up Activision-Blizzard with money either, even though I could if I wanted to. I’m mostly playing Battlegrounds only at the moment while waiting for Activision-Blizzard to collapse.
It is what it is.
Ugh… Achievements… I don’t get why people get so excited about them. I hope you won’t get any rewards from them, though. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to get an achievement, like say ‘Win a match with 1 health remaining’, to get gold, dust or whatnot as a reward. And then you try to get it in Casual. It’s just not gonna happen.
I don’t disenchant Wild cards simply because you never know if I might start playing Wild at some point in the future.
Implication is a funny thing.
Given they made a lot of Brawls using the wild format, I’d say they implied it’s a good idea to keep them.
People getting upset about their own decisions and blaming others afterwards - well that’s a totally new concept, of course - probably invited just 2.1 million years ago. (*)
(*) Fossil records of H. erectus, prolly the progenitor to H. sapiens.
Dusting all wild cards until blizzard gives me a solid reason not to.
And players who have dusted their Wild cards can still play Standard the same way they are doing right now, they may just be at a disadvantage when playing in whatever new mode is comming. The OP is still speculation and we have no public information on what or how.
Heck, the “future things” may even be re-using some Wild cards in upcomming expansions and not a mode that wants you to have a large Wild collection.
Not a graveyard. But only of value for playing the Wild mode. If they become relevant for a Standard mode, those who dusted them will have cause to be frustrated.
There’s no de-valuing of your collection. People dusted those cards for a certain payout. They’d simply be repaying that same amount of dust to get the Wild card back. What they “cashed out” would be repayed.
I did reference that. Outide of a couple of cards that may be useful for a few Tavern Brawls, there is currently no value in the Standard mode for Wild cards.
That’s correct. It’s just speculation for now until more information is revealed. I’m just pointing out that if some players feel “forced” to buy old packs or recraft Wild cards, they are going to feel frustrated and unfairly penalized.
I think the Achievements should be stictly cosmetic. They should not be rewarding gold or dust or cards. While it’s a completely different game, Achievements in WoW do not offer anything that impact the power level of your characters, only the cosmetics like Transmog grear or Companion Pets or Mounts.
funny thing is you dont get to decide what implications other ppl infer.
Correct, it’s rather subjective - so don’t blame Team5 if your and their implicatons aren’t congruent.
lol if there are ppl upset about dusting thier wild cards that means team 5 failed to make it clear ppl should not have dusted thier cards.
if implications from any speaker or any company are miss understood, it is NOT the listener/consumers fault. it is not the consumers/listener job interpret a companies/speakers implications. it’s a companies/ speakers job to make implications clear.
Since the beginning of Hearthstone, I have always advocated for never dusting anything you don’t have a duplicate of - exceptions made to legendaries that you really dislike.
I don’t dust ANYTHING except golden cards. I dust all non-golden legendaries assuming I have the non-golden max.
My reasoning has always been that you NEVER know when you’ll use a card. It might look useless now, but in the future you may need it.
Unfortunately, I have a lot of friends that have dusted everything other than certain class cards and always dust everything that goes to wild.
I feel really bad for those people.
The only thing I feel Blizzard should do is make wild card packs cheaper (like 50g) per pack or something.
Actually not at all. From my experience its almost all the time fault of the customers because company can always talk it out or just basically tell you to go to hell.
When something is unclear and/or offer multiple ways how to interpret it, be sure its always in the favor of the company in the end.
Do not be naive to think its actually in the favor of customers.
This will be the third year into playing Wild for me, and each year during rotation I have said multiple times not to ever disenchant your Wild cards. Many people have explained over and over that your cards still can be played with value in Wild, and now they’ve found yet another way to award people who have kept your collection.
At this point, I don’t feel bad at all for people who made dumb decisions for impulsive satisfaction. The real way of getting value from your cards is not to have to dust them to play new ones, but to keep your old cards in a format that doesn’t rotate out so you can get more than 2 years worth of play value.
I hope this is a lesson learned for you Wild Naysayers.
Okay, and will you compensate the players who’ve kept their wild collection for years ?
Someone who used dust on wild cards should be given the HoF treatment.
Care to back that up with an actual statement by Team5 developers/managers/CMs “implicating” it’s save to dust Wild cards?
Yeah, thought so.
I feel bad dusting my wild duplicates on the off chance I can dust them for full value from a nerf unless they pull the Ixilid Nerf on us again and nerf cards without compensation. Not to mention the dust return for dusting cards isn’t that great. You probably should just keep everything remotely useful on the off chance you decide to play wild or some tavern brawl makes the card relevant. Dusting pack filler is fine if you are concentrating on just standard probably.