What with the infinite discoveries and endless spell spam. But it actually kills you. Why did people complain about priest so much last cycle when Mage does the same but better?
They don’t heal, so any damage dealt to them is permanent.
Otherwise, you may have a point.
Oh yeah, you’re right. They don’t really heal. I guess the closest thing Mage has to healing is the armor buffers for stall.
Yes it does 100% only difference is Mage can not loop same 3 minions for entire game
In a way yes, but Mage trades the survivability of Priest for being a glass cannon, making it far more vulnerable to aggressive strategies, especially damage dealt from the hand via burn or hero attacks.
This is a big factor in addition wo what others have said. A mage game isn’t going to drag out for 25 minutes because your opponent has no wincon apart from boring you to death.
Discovering isnt what people hate about mage.
Its turns lile ignite,ignite, spring water ignite ignite intellect ignite ignite kill you.
Yeah, the spell recycling is pretty dumb when it starts hitting your face for 0 mana and 8 damage. The card draw is what bothers me most, personally.
Actually killing you is a positive feature for Mage compared to Priest. By not dragging things out it’s .uch less miserable.
Mage also has poor self defense (particularly healing or taunts), so it doesn’t feel like you were helpless to hurt them.
Poor defense?
0 mana freeze 1/2/3 minions.
1 mana deal 3 freeze
Fire sale
0 mana draw 4 into more removal/discovers/freeze
Aaaaaaand flow because why pay mana while your drawing cards, discovering stuff, dealing damage and clearing board at the same time.
Remember quest shaman with lackeys? You could be like “phew he only has 3 cards” but then he hero powers discovers 2 dragons, 2 spells and draws some cards because you remembered how lackeys work.
Yes, that actually counts as poor defense unless you’re up against an opponent who has at most 1-2 minions in play at a time. Also, both Combustion and Fire Sale are worthless against the vast majority of moderately dangerous lone minions.
Yes, poor defense.
Here’s Quest Mage’s matchup spread in Diamond through Legend:
Take note of what it’s unfavored against, and just how horribly bad those unfavored matchups can get for the Mage.
Yes, the class has poor defense against anything that actually attempts to aggressively threaten their life total.
That priest image is really funny.
Yes poor defense. Not every opponent is a Paladin waiting a turn before their minions hit you so you get to blow it all up. Mage consistently rolls over for Doomhammer and Demonhunter and previously Bomb Warrior. It can’t do much of anything about Hunter flinging burn at its face over and over again as it tries to close the game.
Saying mages have poor defence is the best joke I heard in a long time…
AND i’m friggin old.
If the mage lets you stick more than 2 minions you’re playing against a bad mage.
Whats the best matchup for Hunter (the class with the best offense in the game)…
Theres your answer its not rocket science.
Citing a class with the “best offence” as evidence that another class has poor defence is absolutely absurd. By virtue of having the “best offence” you will test every class’ defensive capabilities.
Same reason people hate Priest for using cards from their deck but not Rogue or hate Priest for healing but not Warlock or any number of other things that a class does that Priest also does. They just hate Priest.