Doesn't mage just do everything people hated about Priest?

Play more Mage
See what you get to actually do when people start flinging damage at your face. Mage whole defence is stall. Even tempo removal is an extinct feature.


No, Rogue did get crap for generation back when lackeys were everywhere. Thatā€™s why they clearly moved back to drawing a billion cards; they still get tons of cards but far fewer are generated.

I was referring to Burgle Rogue.

Honestly as a priest player who used to play tempo control and combo flavors. I think tempo priest (like dragon midrange priest) was fun of the funner archetypes. Trading with power haha.

Iā€™ve tried styles, (play on curve minions, play control vs aggro and reno to heal. Try to play tempo with dark glare, removing their boards and hitting face, and play combo vs control) i can see why people hate rez priest and other random garbage decks. But i suppose to be a hypocrite, i was one of those players who did have fun feeling like batman or putting players like a mouse in a cage haha. IMO, the best games arenā€™t nothing happening, but both decks having a fair chance to win and having fun, but still playing fair or like 40-60%s, instead of 10-90%.

Oh. That one probably slipped by because it sucked and its strategy was to drown opponents in nonsense instead of grind opponents until they concede in misery.

Were lackeys a thing during burgle rogue? The power level of the generation is a big factor and from what I recall burgle rogue was super random and not consistently strong. Meanwhile lackeys and later discover effects were much more powerful.

I prefer to lose because of 5 fireball rather than not win because of 5 apotheosis.

The difference for me is that mage wins the game, priest just annoys me

I must have just imagined that 16 extra health the mage who just beat me without playing a single minion all game got when they played secrets.

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