Does two baron trigger twice?

I just have been wondering this. I wish they would tell me this in a tip chat.

If a card reads “your X effects trigger twice”, it doesn’t stack
If it reads “your X effects trigger an extra time”, it does

2 Baron Rivendare doesn’t don’t stack, your deathrattles will only trigger once
2 Titus Rivendare do stack, your deathrattles will trigger 3 times

Additionnaly, if you have “they trigger twice” and “they trigger three times” (like normal brann + golden brann), then they will trigger three times, it doesn’t stack

But if you have both “trigger twice” and “trigger an extra time” (like titus rivendare + moira bronzebeard), then they will stack together multiplicatively, and they will trigger 4 times total (if I’m right)


Thank you very much for taking your time to respond to my post.