Does spooky mage need a nerf

So yes this is not a rant but a discussion my target would be the location and mage skeleton damage.
In this replay i could do nothing i tried to control the sekeleton board because he cant deathborne and resummon another board.

The location can be nerfed with one less charge.

Freeze 2 minions, get x2 2/2 and deal 4 damage is good enough for 3 manas.

3 Charges is what making the card and the deck busted.


The location I would nerf for certain but if you mean reduce the deathrattle damage I think they would be trash at 1.

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I think all the spells that generate gobs of minions need a nerf in general tbh. Guess we should be grateful that at least mage’s skeletons don’t have Rush right? You can’t really nerf the actual skeletons or their effects without it empowering other decks like Implock. Unfortunately, skeleton mage is one of the few rough match-ups for Implock at this point, so nerfing that means we’d get even more of those degenerate steroid-infused imps.


Should be 1 damage upon deathrattle

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Mage needs multiple nerfs, the most needed is Dawngrasp hero getting nerfed. Hero damage definitely needs to reset at the very least. More so than that, freeze needs to be looked at the same way charge was addressed.


This was just buffed due to “outrage”.

I think there will be outrage if it is reverted.

Maybe its changed to “HK gain 1 damage increase, gain 1 armor”

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I think the location could lose a charge and skeletons do 1 dmg for their DR

I think the Mage Hero should be reverted to its original released state

Even with these changes, I think the class will be high tier. We are in a board meta and Mage has the tools to freeze/deal dmg/build a board on a single turn

No it was buffed because it was bar none the worst hero card in the game and unplayable .


…which outraged a lot of people.

Thanks for agreeing with me.

And not even should.

Making people unable to play from hand will not make board play better.

Will just mock people who are actually having fun.

I am playing a freeze skeleton deck (30 cards), I don’t know if it’s meta, but probably no (no brann, no kaeltas, no mordesh, no heropower package).

I only win with the infuse spell and to infuse it skeletons were the best options.

The only problematic cards imo are:

  • blizzard + macaw: it’s more of a freeze problem for me. If I manage to play the first blizzard and your deck has no charge/burst (implock), you probably lost (but hey, implock plays the locations and casually wins on 5 if you have no answers, so maybe it’s fair in this unfairness)
  • solid alibi: too good for 2 mana. It could cost 4 and I would still play it. I think it needs a condition attached to it, like infuse (thematic) or “if you played 3 freeze spells this game”

The rest is fine.
Skeletons aren’t more problematic than curses in warlock (which are a trash design, they should cost 1).
Maybe the only “overpowered” thing is deathborne summoning minions based on what dies at the end of every deathrattle, making it very good even if you have 2 skeletons and the opponent has 4 health minions.

The location should probably have 2 charges, like the imp lock one, but the cost should also be adjusted to 2 if that’s the case.
Or the freeze should be random.
It’s probably the only location that you don’t want to use immediately so it can be punished by the tech card. If the tech card wasn’t trash, mage location would be way worse than what it seems.
Right now I just play it on 3 and I use it the turn I use deathborne, or even later

true. I would reduce Deathborne to 5 and increase the damage by 2 only because if the opponent has 4-health minions and you use deathborne originally, there is a chance that the skeletons might not hit the now 2-health minions. with my suggestion. you don’t need to worry about that problem

well back when it had been buffed it was unplayably slow, due to the UiS->Alterac Meta still revolving around a lot of fast enough OTKs.
back in the day we would all have laughed about a brann denathrius combo as being unplayably slow even on turn 9.

but with stallign getting a lot stronger the inevitability did aswell, and it direly needs to go to open up design space apart from faster otk or faster aggro.

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Faster aggro and faster otk lmao.

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Imagine reading what I wrote before replying

I could live with that


Mage in general needs an array of nerfs. Know that BSM is still performing pretty well; but Magister Dawngrasp is the recurring villain to me.

First & foremost changes I’d make to Mage:

  • Magister Dawngrasp hero power ramps damage +1 on Honorable Kill
  • Wildfire no longer carries over between heroes

Further possible changes:

  • Magister Dawngrasp starts at 1 damage Hero Power
  • Nightcloak Sanctum 2 charges (this could also be done immediately, but wouldn’t really change that much if Magister doesn’t also get hit)

Beyond those changes, I think everything else is fine. Remember: we aren’t trying to make the class unplayable, we want to strike a healthy balance of a class that can win games but has gaps you can exploit.


Yes agreed we do not want to kill it i also want a nerf to quest hunter as well becuase we are weakening what it counters.

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I see a lot of people complaining about mage lately. i guess thats the fad, because it was rogue last week. The way to make mage feel less oppressive is twofold.

BUFF charge warrior to make it playable. Damage from hand is the answer, thats why quest hunter wins against mage. Charge warrior doesnt get wrecked by being frozen, and can clear boards of skeletons if necessary. It just doesnt have what it needs to work properly.

Lessen the degenerate, I play a lot of mage and even I will admit, survivability mage has. I have a couple suggestions, 1 less armor from cold case. Solid alabi up 1 mana. Dawngrasp at 8 mana feels really bad, because there are already a lot of heavy drops in mage and 7 is a unique cost for the deck that it needs. If dawngrasp goes to 8, something else has to come down to 7. No one wants mordresh down but maybe it goes to 7 mana 7/7 deal 8 damage? I honestly feel like the location would not be as impactful if people ran well stat’d minions that can afford to be silenced.

Priest and hunter do well, hunter because of damage from hand, priest is awesome into mage. Big minions, deathrattles that heal, silences, tempo, potentially stealing their threats.
Rogue is the deck mage is pretty much built to beat, so complaining about mage when playing rogue is an incredibly biased viewpoint. I played mage exclusively when rogues infested ladder, because the freeze is the ONLY way to stop the stealth ghosts. If mage gets nerfed, rogue and implock will infest ladder again. It may not be the most fun ever, but give other classes a chance to be on top without crying for nerfs, and it always seems to be mage people hate. Rogue is always on top, many other classes have had time of sitting on top. Every time mage gets to tier 1 or even tier 2 people lose their minds. ADJUST TO THE META. I dont even play mage atm, because priest has a better matchup into mage and hunter. Just a thought, i get a couple adjustments can be made, but people are trying to MURDER the class.