Does every mechanic need a counterplay to it

So this is something i have thought about now for a while now.

Does every mechanic or playstyle need to have a deck or a playstyle that counters it for example lets take a deck no one talks about no minion mage.

Do we need a tech card to put minions in the mages decks or do we just need to find a way to counter the deck with the own tools given to us in our deck ?

The question at the end of the day what im really asking do all decks and archetypes need to counterplay to them or only a few of selected mechanics?

There are cards already exist that do just that. I think one of the last remaining tech that isn’t in the game is Silencing of Weapons, however Steal opponents weapon does exist so I guess they figure that’s good enough.

Wild has alot more weapon options i think personaly a card that takes your opponents weapon is by far worse , the card that does that in wild is it Kobold Stickyfingers by any chance ?

I think that is the one, and yeah it is worse for the opponent to have their Kingsbane Taken instead of silenced and destroyed

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you cant silence but you can destroy the weapon after playing deathwarden